Having that 'best deer hunting cal' argument with a mate. 6.5x55 vs .270win vs 308
I've actually only ever reloaded so I'd never seriously looked at the shelf ammo before.
Just in theory, I placed the max killing distance at the point which all rounds would still be doing 1900ft/s to ensure the likelihood of the projectile expanding. That seems to be the common belief or am I wrong?
That gave me this in standard shelf ammo,
140gn 6.5x55 - 2650fts mv to 480m leaving 1125ftlbs. $60
140gn .270win - 2950fts mv to 510m leaving 1047ftlbs. $75
165gn 308win - 2700fts mv to 390m leaving 1329ftlbs. $50
So if those are my shelf choices, I'm seeing the swede as a better target choice no matter what. Less recoil
The 308 for the obvious hunting round. Cheap, monster power for most actual hunting distances.
Can somebody tell me why the .270win is worthwhile as a new guy hunting rifle?
(p.s I couldn't find a 140gn 308 cartridge for sale in NZ but if anyone knows one sing out)
Having that 'best deer hunting cal' argument with a mate. 6.5x55 vs .270win vs 308
The age old...
The 270 and 708 are my least favourite caliber choices, recoil for performance is my personal reason for not owning the 270.
The reloaded 6.5x55 and reloaded 308 are simply good calibers. One can load the 308 from 130 to 180. I use both and also love the 165 & 168. But I load.
Off the shelf 6.5x55 offers a lot less as precautions have prevented them to be loaded near where optimal performance is close.
Plenty of people load so you can ask someone to load for you??
I would not recommend the 270 to anyone.
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