I'm sticking to my fence 7x57 & 8x57:thumbsup:
I'm sticking to my fence 7x57 & 8x57:thumbsup:
I cant say ive never been scoped ether 7mmwsm 45degrees up hill bad shooting position at a tahr about 100 yards away sucks
you know like all new bees they save there money buy a good rifle mostly tikkas but forget about a scope so they buy a cheap shit one with crap eye relief normally 24x coz it looks like a sniper scope which makes eye relief even worse chuck it on the rifle and go to the range
The only rifle I have ever had a scoping from was probably the heaviest rifle I have ever fired, old 303
Well I'm the biggest wimp out and have had no issues with the 270's I've shot, suppressed or not. Well other that the fact they're gay according to the mighty @Toby. And to think there is one with his name on it. I'll put one in the safe in due course.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with 270 just that I don't think its a good cal for new shooters due to the recoil I have shot plenty of rounds of 270 over the years and personally I don't like it and its not that I cant handle recoil some of the guns ive shot over the years make 270 look like a bb gun
I just prefer a rifle like my 260 which dose every thing 270 can with far less recoil and less powder but if you like 270 good on you
it just makes me cringe when I see people suggest 270 to new shooters..... experienced fine as they know how to handle it
my brother brought a howa 270 as his 1st rifle and sold it after a few months got a tikka 6.5x55 still took months for the flinch to stop though
I think everyone should earn their patch using a 22.
1st rifle I ever had was a 270, learnt to shoot with a 270. If someone is going to be taught how to handle a firearm properly I don't think it matters what calibre it is.
Edited to add: have also had countless people who have not shot a rifle in their life shooting a 270 fine, including my mrs who is about 5ft bugger all and 50kgs and she can shoot it unsupressed all day long no worries
I shot 100-200 rounds per week of 22lr in practice and competition from the age of 13 so betime 16 and a FAL came round I was already well versed in firearm handling I was 15 when mum brought me my 1st center fire a 223 for my birthday my 1st large cal was 303 a p14 I picked up for $100 ive owned all the common cals and some less common (yes including 270) 308 243-7mm-08 6mmrem 7x57 8x57 6.5x55 260 7.5x55 swiss the list goes on I have a soft spot for 25-06 so pretty much a 270 shot my 1st deer with one and pretty keen to put one in the safe
.22 Hornet
I writhed in agony and screamed for help. I was up in the Regina and I could be heard from the Horace Walker Hut.
No one helped, No one cared.
It caused me physiological damage.
Thank God it wasn't a .270.
I lied about it being a 22 hornet. :)
The "Best calibre" is what ever rifle you are currently holding when "Mr Deersie" sticks his head up
.308 period :beer:
using the same brand of ammo - Hornady Superformance
Hornady Manufacturing Company :: Ammunition :: Rifle :: Choose by Caliber :: 270 Win :: 270 Win 140 gr SST® Superformance®
270 balistics Superformance 140grn
Hornady Manufacturing Company :: Ammunition :: Rifle :: Choose by Caliber :: 6.5X55 Swedish :: 6.5 x 55 Swedish 140 GR SST® Superformance®
6.555 Swede Superformance 140grn
Hornady Manufacturing Company :: Ammunition :: Rifle :: Choose by Caliber :: 308 Winchester :: 308 Win 165 gr SST® Superformance®
308W Superformance 165grn
i dont see any advantage here to the Swede . . in fact the .270W beats it by a good margin using the same 140grn SST with the .308W down by only a few foot pounds, which might mean something if you shoot past 500yds and how many do that ?
or i could search the internet for the best of my caliber and the worst of anyone elses . . you will find whatever evidence you want then . . . with experience you'll learn that caliber / rifle / scope choices are a balancing act of compromises, numbers only can be misleading.
Projectile selection, ability to expand at lower velocities(A Max's) and simplicity at its best.... 308 :-)
[QUOTE=Rock river arms hunter;540143]Projectile selection, ability to expand at lower velocities(A Max's) and simplicity at its best.... 308 :
I underestimated the .308.
You can get those hpbt 212gn ELDX - has anyone tried this out to 1km just for beer and skittles? Interested to know how they fly tran-sonically.
I thought these projectiles were coming but they're already here.
simplicity at its best.... 308 :
I thought these projectiles were coming but they're already here.[/QUOTE]
I thinks that's what one deer said to another:thumbsup:
I think they are all fine for the job. Somehow over the years I have arrived at the conclusion that bigger holes seem to make things go down a little more reliably especially if the shot is well off perfect.
One fellow I sold a 450 marlin lever to told me: When you shoot something with a light calibre it can take a while to follow it and find it, when you shoot it with a 308 it is normally fairly close by, when you hit it with a 450 etc, it is almost always right where you left it.....
Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
One fellow I sold a 450 marlin lever to told me: When you shoot something with a light calibre it can take a while to follow it and find it, when you shoot it with a 308 it is normally fairly close by, when you hit it with a 450 etc, it is almost always right where you BLEW A Fraging BIG HOLE IN IT.....
His reference was more about that when he hit them with a big cal like the 450 marlin (not dissimilar to 45/70) the animal us usually found where it was hit and that it simply drops. I use 215gr RN Woodleighs in a 303 and my mates refer to them as a flying hammer. The animals I have hit with that have all just dropped right then, right there.
I had a experience with my 223 which I've sold the upper since but it's convinced me for my purposes of living where I live that 308 is so fantastic. I've just got a Marlin 336 SS for a bush basher gun and know that it will perform admirably:-)
Shot placement is the key. any of the mentioned Cals work fine.Not a believer in the BIGGER HOLES theory. Too many people, esp newbies starting out if using a big Cal often dont shoot them as accurate as one should. Seen and heard more wounded animals with big cals than well placed shots with lighter cals. Not hit in the right place a animal will still run. Maybe you get some more room for a slight error with a big cal but often people take shots that arent that ideal because they "have a cannon"".
Give me a 243 on the money any day rather than a 3006 thats änywhere in the big part"" that do the trick theory
Bought my 9,3x62 a few years back,shot it a lot and didnt see it as much worse than my 308.My 12 yr old and 14 yr old also put about 30 rounds through it. Very loud but mild recoil. Both hate the 270 i had but love the 308. Go figure.
After a back accident i have just sold my 9.3 and the 308 as my back cant stand the recoil anymore,can stand the 6.5x55 recoil i got to replace it. Very mild recoil and suppressed,whats not to like ? i am guessing the deer/goats wont know its not up to 270 standards if i do my part right.
Certainly wont be trying a "texas heartshot" like i did with the 9.3 320 grainers.
my 270 is soft as to shoot i use barns 110gr ttsx recoil is very little or nothing with a suppressor on. best flat shooting cal i have owned the other thing you need to take into account is the rifle my savage weather warrior with accustock is a pleasure to shoot where as my mates old 270 makes me flinch when pull the trigger it has no suppressor
the other thing is if you get a suppressor make sure it has a mussel break in it i use one suppressor on my 308,270,300wsm and my 8x68 and it makes all of them comfortable to to shoot because it has a double brake in it:thumbsup:
as far as off the shelf ammo goes 308 is always available and in a large variety for close up or long range shooting at a reasonable price
Dont worry about the 6.5 x 55 not doing the business with a texas heart shot;). Only tried it 3 times with the 243. Two deer and one 110 lb boar and it bowled them all over no problem.Back in the day when deer were hard to come by any chance to take one was taken . These days i tend to watch it run away than try that shot now but i was surprised that the whole three handly any meat was ruined and they all fell over pretty quick. Maybe a bit of luck there :thumbsup: