6.5 sweed if reloading.
Why get kicked by a mule (270), if a pure breed (6.5) covers you with feathers - and still gets the end game :)
6.5 sweed if reloading.
Why get kicked by a mule (270), if a pure breed (6.5) covers you with feathers - and still gets the end game :)
yeah its better reloaded you can buy sweed and its the same price as other common cals ammo wise however to get full beans out of it you have to reload as ammo company's load down as there are still a lot of old m96 rifles around which are apparently weaker but my gunsmith said they are a lot stronger than people think.... guess they got to cover there arse though
as far as the 270 goes if you've got one and you like it good on you however it would be the last cal I would suggest to anyone after seeing on two occasions newbees getting shipped of in an ambo from being scoped that hard they where out cold both were light weight 270's high recoil is for the experienced only
if you don't reload and you want a rifle id go 243,7mm-08,308, or 6.5x55(if you don't mind it going abit slower) my brother shot heaps with fed blue box out of his 6.5 slow yes but still works sweet around 2600fps (rough guess) I think people get abet to caught up with speed these days
Rifle Recoil Table
Stock shape is important if there is a bit of recoil about. But most rifles have a muffler on them now a days. You owe it to your ears.
aaaaah the young . . .. looking up a few numbers and calling something the best ' mine is better than yours '
guns, cars, dogs and women are like any thing else, the best is the one that works best for you and what you want to achieve .. nothing against 6.5s, if thats what spins your wheels, great, but they're not the best.
So from what I have read here, basically the 270 has too much recoil and messes with your menstrual cycle?
I would agree on the shit coaching part gibo if there was any sort of coaching to speek of apply for your license pass a theory test buy a rifle and go to the range go to the range with no fucking idea what your doing but thinking you do coz you passed your test..... imo there should be some sort of practical shooting as part of your license test its all good knowing things on paper but in the real world things are different as you know
I'm sticking to my fence 7x57 & 8x57:thumbsup:
I cant say ive never been scoped ether 7mmwsm 45degrees up hill bad shooting position at a tahr about 100 yards away sucks
you know like all new bees they save there money buy a good rifle mostly tikkas but forget about a scope so they buy a cheap shit one with crap eye relief normally 24x coz it looks like a sniper scope which makes eye relief even worse chuck it on the rifle and go to the range
The only rifle I have ever had a scoping from was probably the heaviest rifle I have ever fired, old 303
Well I'm the biggest wimp out and have had no issues with the 270's I've shot, suppressed or not. Well other that the fact they're gay according to the mighty @Toby. And to think there is one with his name on it. I'll put one in the safe in due course.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with 270 just that I don't think its a good cal for new shooters due to the recoil I have shot plenty of rounds of 270 over the years and personally I don't like it and its not that I cant handle recoil some of the guns ive shot over the years make 270 look like a bb gun
I just prefer a rifle like my 260 which dose every thing 270 can with far less recoil and less powder but if you like 270 good on you
it just makes me cringe when I see people suggest 270 to new shooters..... experienced fine as they know how to handle it
my brother brought a howa 270 as his 1st rifle and sold it after a few months got a tikka 6.5x55 still took months for the flinch to stop though