I acquired some Hornady 129g SST in 6.5mm, enough to run an incremental load test in my CZ 550 6.5x55 Swede
I partially seated a projectile in a FL sized and gauged case, unprimed, and closed the bolt on it so that the bullet engaged the lands and was then forced back into the case as the bolt closed. Plan is to seat the bullet 9 thou deeper than that for a field load.
I have some RL 19 and data from Handloader Issue #212 for this bullet with the test rifle being a Remington Model 700, barrel 22inch.
The Rec C.O.L given is 3.149 in.
In my rifle, with the bullet against the lands the C.O.L is 3.109 so less 9 thou would make my finished C.O.L. 3.1 in. This leaves the cannelure 0.189 forward of the case mouth.
Photo is of finished cartridge length.
Any recommendations/observations?