@Micky Duck should arrange a powder test one day.
You might have just touched on another subject entirely there MD - the dark art of anvil launching! I think in that context the question of 'Don't you have an anvil?' could be answered by 'well I did at one stage - I know roughly where it went too!'
@Tedz50 I love that mortar . What bore is it ?
I bet it's been out to somewhere like Birdlings Flat in the day and lobbed some lead off shore
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Ok M.D. so it really is a thing !
I clearly need to get out more often and engage with the real world instead of the on line world
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
My God What have I done!!!!!
I mention making a bit of 'Craft' Holy Black for the musket and all of a sudden there are huge anvils flying through the air amidst a cloud of smoke
I feel guilty
I once had the idea to build a 2 Pounder Whitworth Breech loading cannon with a 40mm Bofors barrel.
I found a number of barrels but their owners were reluctant to sell knowing they were going to be cut in half.
But I did play around enough to have a play at making double and triple helix threads in the workshop like the Whitworth Breech threads.
It's great to hand to an engineer and see their face when they realise why the thread looks a bit strange.
The multi helix threads are very cool, so that one turn of the breech block engaged enough thread surface area to contain lobbing a 4 pound projectile some distance
But not as big as an anvil
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Akaroa....I didnt think you had got my drift when I mentioned it...lol
75/15/10 black powder matters
I doubt you worry too much about DRIFT with anvil firing !
I'm guessing in serious competition the winner is the team that gets it highest.
I wonder if there is an Anvil Firing association and a chapter in NZ
I also wonder about the rules .... Just asking for a friend
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
my memory is telling me there is scene in movie of them doing it..sweet home Alabama is nudging me..... there are LOTS of videos of it about.
75/15/10 black powder matters