2 Attachment(s)
Hornadys new Hydo-form die
Hornady are now making in there custom shop new hydro-dies to form wildcat cases, you just fill the die with water and hit a plunger with a wooden hammer 3-5 times and the case is formed under water pressure into your new wildcat chamber, no more fire forming your cases in your rifle and wearing out your barrel.
Attachment 82
Below are some 6mm Dasher cases in different stages of forming in the die, the number of marks on them indicate how many times they have been hit with the wooden hammer.
The case with the smiley face on was and old case work hardened and didn't form well splitting.
Attachment 83
To get a hydro-die made by Hornady at there custom shop you must supply them a reamer drawing and 3 formed cases from your wildcat chambering.
Now that this new fire forming die by Hornady is available I might be looking at a few improved chamberings a little more seriously.:grin: