I bought a near new/second hand XBolt stainless in 270wsm. Docked the barrel back to 22" and used loads that had worked well in a previous Sako A7 (now a 300saum) and loads I pinched from Ryan off here. 150 VLD and LRAB. New norma cases. Saami OAL.
Velocities should have been around 3050fps according to my data I had from the past, quick-load and Ryan's experience. But yikes! Every case had vicious ejector marks and flat primers and velocities were all 100 fps faster than expected. Up to 3149fps. I tried N550, AR2225 and HV100
So I need to drop all of the loads I tried by at least a grain. Its a good lesson about every rifle is different. This one must have a tight chamber.
The good thing was that it shot very well, especially with the new trigger spring that @Boaraxa put me onto from the States.