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Thread: How much is over fill in 223

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    How much is over fill in 223

    Hiya guys I am loading for a mate who has read that varget is the greatest powder known to man for 223 and wants some made for him.
    I am using 55 gr Nosler and started low as one would and have ended up at 27.5 gr which is bang on 3000 fps which is great the groups are good but the load is basically level with the top of the shell which to me seems high but thus far has been consistent with cases weighed prior for uniform weights.
    Is there a down side to doing this I dont know about yet ???
    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    compressed loads can push the projectiles back out if you don't have enough neck tension or crimp

    2208 is too slow for 55's, get some BM2 or 2206H or something and lie to your friend about what's in it if he insists on 2208
    kiwi39 likes this.

  3. #3
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    powder drop tube, I use the same load in my 223 but changed to 8208XBR as 2208 was painful to use in a progressive press
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  4. #4
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    Yeah I'm with gimp, 2206H 26.8 grains in my ar loads with 55gr amax spit out at 3250, 18inch barrel. Very slightly compressed.

  5. #5
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    Yea also with Gimp BM2 works a treat

  6. #6
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    223 loads seem to come up with some frequency. Generally there seems to be a lot using BM2. I have never tried 2208 - don't see the need. Have always had stunning accuracy and good velocity with BM2. Recently tried an old can (and it was actually in a tin can) of 2206 and got great results with it in both my 223 and 308. Also recently tried IMR 8208 but accuracy wasn't as good as BM2.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    compressed loads can push the projectiles back out if you don't have enough neck tension or crimp

    2208 is too slow for 55's, get some BM2 or 2206H or something and lie to your friend about what's in it if he insists on 2208
    I am getting reasonable results with varget/2208 with 55gr CMJ's, bare in mind its not an optimsed hand load, just close.

    Name:  CMJ-24gr-2208-29-5-2015-001.jpg
Views: 556
Size:  801.5 KB

    I did run up to 25.5gr but that was worse than 24gr.
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  8. #8
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    As the "discussion" is regards .223 loads, if you guys permit I also have a question about it. So far everybody who reply has said BM2 is great for the 55gn, my question is, what is the "general public" using for projectiles weighing 65, 69 or 75/77gn?
    I do reload sierras 65 - 77gn but still using BM2 for it, I achieved good groups but not "high" velocities in the way I see(2800ft/sec), please, any considerations? I am thinking in try BM8208 or 2208(09) for those projectiles.

    Thank you in advance.


  9. #9
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    2206H, 2208
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  10. #10
    R93 is offline
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    I use BM2 with 62gr swifts and get 3250 same as the 55s I use.
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  11. #11
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PERRISCICABA View Post
    As the "discussion" is regards .223 loads, if you guys permit I also have a question about it. So far everybody who reply has said BM2 is great for the 55gn, my question is, what is the "general public" using for projectiles weighing 65, 69 or 75/77gn?
    I do reload sierras 65 - 77gn but still using BM2 for it, I achieved good groups but not "high" velocities in the way I see(2800ft/sec), please, any considerations? I am thinking in try BM8208 or 2208(09) for those projectiles.

    Thank you in advance.


    Loads used in my CMMG AR15 with a 16" 1 in 7 twist barrel

    25grs BM2 with Hornady 60gr SP projectile MV 2850fps Group size about MOA

    23.5grs BM2 with a Serria 65gr SP projectile MV 2695fps Group size slightly better than MOA.

    22.5grs BM2 with @xring custom 69gr HPBT projectile MV 2520fps Group size about MOA

    Only punched paper with these loads so far but have a Goat Hunt lined up to see how they go on animals.

    I'm hoping the 65gr and 69gr projectiles will be good enough to take Goats Cleanly out past 200m if so I'll try them on a Deer or two and see how the perform there.

    I also tried the 77gr serrias with BM2, it's showing promise, but i need to complete load development, accuracy wasn't MOA but it certainly was good enough to Hunt with.

    I also use AR2206H and 55gr projectiles with good results in my Baikal single shot.

    Smashes the Goats real good.


  12. #12
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PERRISCICABA View Post
    As the "discussion" is regards .223 loads, if you guys permit I also have a question about it. So far everybody who reply has said BM2 is great for the 55gn, my question is, what is the "general public" using for projectiles weighing 65, 69 or 75/77gn?
    I do reload sierras 65 - 77gn but still using BM2 for it, I achieved good groups but not "high" velocities in the way I see(2800ft/sec), please, any considerations? I am thinking in try BM8208 or 2208(09) for those projectiles.

    Thank you in advance.

    I'm using 2206H for my 75 grain amax's. In a mates rifle it was 2910fps with standard length tikka barrel. I haven't chronyd my load as I just settled on a charge weight today. I should be around that also
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  13. #13
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    2206h has been my go to for years using 50-55grn recently bought some Winchester powder as it was cheap but will go back to 2206h next time..it works so shouldn't have f*cked with it.

  14. #14
    Member Cyclops's Avatar
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    FWIW we finally chronographed our Savage Model 12 223 26" barrel 1:7 twist with our usual load - 80 gr A-Max, 24.7 gr 2208 in Norma cases.
    Average 2834 fps. Shoots targets competitively out to 900 yards, 1000 yards in lighter winds.
    puku, steven and PERRISCICABA like this.

  15. #15
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    FWIW we finally chronographed our Savage Model 12 223 26" barrel 1:7 twist with our usual load - 80 gr A-Max, 24.7 gr 2208 in Norma cases.
    Average 2834 fps. Shoots targets competitively out to 900 yards, 1000 yards in lighter winds.
    Obviously you have a low ES?
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone



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