In fairness I was convinced of FFP scopes by some kiwis and there weren't too many options with reticles I didn't hate. But the rokslide coolaid just sped up what I was already doing. I stepped down from 308 to 7mm08 to 6.5creed to a braked creed to make my kimbers more shootable and each time found killing arguably got better.
Rokslide and @gimp made a pretty good argument for the 223 and i wanted to be able to shoot more for less. I also use to hunt with the AR a fair bit so know the 223 is capable.
I like the bolt knob. It was primarily a weight savings thing. It was easy to make (for someone with CNC access). If your interested North Canty give me a Bell and you welcome to fondle.
I am going to try a GPO super Compact out as the reticle appears to have very similar subtensions and a few extra features but we will see.