The 15 and 5 shots previous shots of this load were all in the same cone of fire and once combined had a mean radius of about 0.128mil. The 15 shot groups had a particularly tight cluster giving it very good mean radius.
The mean radius isn't accurate for this group as it needs accurate shot placements. Probably not terribly far off but maybe not as close as suggested. Awfully hard to place shots in the group analysis accurately when it's just a hole. Its possible to shoot a 0.5mil group with a 0.25mil mean radius (if you shot all of thing in a perfect circle). I've just evenly spread the shots in the hole. In practice as it was being shot it started as a much smaller cluster. I will load some more of the eld loads to confirm once I'm back. There was also a pretty good crosswind rolling through tonight, hard to quantify as the range is semi sheltered but at target the other targets stapled up where getting blown off. Even at 106yards a 1-2m/s wind difference would be up to 0.1mils.
It doesn't prove anything definitively and shows one of the downsides of larger sample sizes. I didn't have good data before but it's shot a box of Speer GD into about 1.8moa which was a 2.5moa 3 shot group when i used it as a rough sighter group the first time I mounted a scope on the rifle.
Again figured I would admit i found something that slightly concerned me in the rifle setup.