Can someone please try explain in idiots terms what to do about the following:
I got myself a Kestrel 2500 from (awesome service, $ 220 NZ landed)
The Kestrel does "station" pressure.
So I know the altitude of my house (from topo maps), and have set the reference altitude to that. Then waited for the baro to stabilize and set the reference baro in the altitude screen, as per rtfm.
In shooter ballistic app, I leave "Pressure is absolute" ticked, correct ? It seems to grey out altitude, but you can still enter a value ???
And in JBM, I should leave the "Pressure is corrected" option unticked, right ?
I'm probably overcomplicating this, but let's say I am at 500m altitude, and a front is coming in, then the baro pressure will drop ? If I am at the same altitude and weather is good, baro pressure will be higher ? But the kestrel is always going to be working out it's idea of alttitude based on the baro pressure ? So on a stormy day even though I am still at 500m, the altitude might read different ?
So do I use the station pressure from the Kestrel, but enter the altitude from my topo map (so don't use the alt from the Kestrel) ?