Anyone know what weight bullet the original L118A1 AW shot?
Anyone know what weight bullet the original L118A1 AW shot?
Warm Barrels!
I’d say originally 144 grain ball ammunition.
I use 150s and 155s in my one as its twist is 1 in 12.
AW twist is 1:12 so you might be right.
Warm Barrels!
chris will proberly know @ChrisF
I thought that some of units using them used factory hot loaded lapua 170 lockbases.
Bigger Better Faster Stronger
Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach
The Original Striker
That’s the current load.
Kills well.
Want to do an L42A1 clone build so just curious as to the BDC details on my PMII 10x42.
Yes I know the L42 used mod Mod32 scopes...
Warm Barrels!
I would not want to load ammo like the HPS in a enfield action , as its over std pressure for calibre
What I use at the moment is the SMK 175gr , over 45.0gr of 2208 , CCI BR2 primer & Lapua brass , shoots very, very well
Yeap ,
AI had Lapua make some hot ammo for them , its called HPS , it used a 170gr lockbase bullet at 2820 fps , it was accurate , but quite HOT , they had 3x small primer stakes/crimps in them to stop the primers backing out of the brass . The fired brass looked like a belted magnum brass , the rear unsupported section was blown out , and the brass was trashed , you could NOT reload it , it was stuffed , you can get a S&B single turn turret marked for this ammo from AI .
They stopped making it a long time ago , the factory chart had the traj curve 1/2 way between the 308 & 300WM .
Thanks @ChrisF
Warm Barrels!