Hi all. Will removing the decapping pin from a Lee collet die mandrel have a negative affect with the neck sizing operation in any way? Thanks
Hi all. Will removing the decapping pin from a Lee collet die mandrel have a negative affect with the neck sizing operation in any way? Thanks
I cant see why it would, run a case through and see how the bullet seats compared to a case done prior to pin removal.
Use enough gun
I've never taken mine apart - can you remove the decapping pin without removing the whole mandrel? The die is supposed to size against the mandrel, removing it would probably result in oversizing the case, and possibly wreck your die.
The decapping pin is an integral part of the mandrel - the OP is considering permanently removing it by grinding so it doesn't push out the primer. You definitely need the mandrel for it to size the neck correctly, but you can remove the decapping pin function no problem.
They're super easy to get apart - it pays to give the top surface of the collet a clean and light grease periodically for best function.
I have a second mandrel without the decapping tail. I have never given any though to using the die without a mandrel but don't imagine it would go well a all. Try running a case through without it, let us know what happens.
I grund the decapping off, reason being so I can pull projectiles, pour the powder out, resize the neck, pour the powder back in and seat a different projectile. concentricity is good, 1 thou runout, in the Lee collect die the the centre spindal floats, that what gives you the good concentricity, so removing the decapping pin it doesn't matter. Use a universal decapping die to remove primers.
Mandrel was the word that escaped me, yes mandrel & collett do need cleaning & eventurally the collett will ware out, but they are a cheap die but extremely useful.
The Collet squeezes the neck arround a mandrel which im pretty sure is part of the the de capping Assembly I have no experience with these dies in particular but my reloading Nelse would tell me it would certainly effect the dies ability to work affectively ether makeing the neck too small or inconsistent
Easy way to find out
Messure the od of the neck after sizeing with the decaping Assembly in place and
Then messure one after sizeing without
If the measurements are the same your golden
Though id Suspect the Measurement without will be smaller and therefore be too much neck tension
You can buy spare mandrels, I have done this and have one without the pin on the end for the same purpose as above regarding not disturbing a live primer.
I have gone back to using full length sizing dies now but it's is still useful if you pull a round and just want to tidy up the neck.
Someone on accurateshooter (yank forum) called Lee to ask about this, grinding the decapping pin off has no negative effect.
Probably a good idea to see if you can get some undersize mandrels for more neck tension without having to lean on the press handle too hard, especially if your press is not a 'cam over' type.
Guess you would want to do this if you are resizing Berdan primed cases......
Take it apart and have a look. It won't bite. All dies need a clean occasionally or bad things start happening