I got rid of mine thinking I'd never neck size again but it's handy for new brass that's dinged up. Does anyone have one in 22-250 they no longer require?
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I got rid of mine thinking I'd never neck size again but it's handy for new brass that's dinged up. Does anyone have one in 22-250 they no longer require?
Just running the expander button of your standard die in and out of the neck works for me. Definitely do not size new cases.
That is plan B @grandpamac, that's what I did with my last lot of new brass, it's a bit more convenient is all.
Perform a partial total recalibration. Usually 3/4 neck.
You can put them through a full length die. New brass tends to be so tight that the die will barely touch it.
Gunworks have collet dies in 22-250. I grabbed their last old style one that sizes the whole neck though sorry. The new style ones leave the case mouth flared.
Ring Reloaders get them to send you another one.
It's worked for me every time.
@Pommy how will I differentiate between old and new?
New ones come in a red box and have the round serrated lock rings. Old ones come in the clear tubes and have the six sided nut lock rings.