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DPT Alpine

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  1. #1

    Lee Loader in 303 British help (charge table)

    Hi guys,

    I have picket up a lee loader in 303 british but unfortunately it's missing the instruction manual. I was able to download one from the net but am missing what they call the "charge table" which is all the load data for using the powder dipper (167) that came with the kit. I know there's lots of reloading data out there but would be nice to have the original load sheet that came with the kit as a good starting point. If anyone has one lying round and could post a photo that would be awesome...


  2. #2
    ebf is offline
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  3. #3
    P38 is offline
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    The Lee Classic Rifle Reloaders are great to use.

    I collect them because I like them so much.

    This is the 303 Brittish Charge Table.
    Name:  Lee Charge Table 303 brittish.jpg
Views: 3865
Size:  11.5 KB

    However unless your intending to buy lots of different powders to try out your better off to select one or two powders and weight them out.


  4. #4
    Awesome, thanks guys!!



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