Anyone got or used one? Press mounted die type trimmer. Go ok?
Anyone got or used one? Press mounted die type trimmer. Go ok?
Got one, never used it yet. Tend to default to the single Lee gauge sets with the shell holder in the drill if I'm not too fussed about a non standard or uniformed case length, I.e. just keeping cases under max. If I want uniformity and real precision I use my Lyman Universal which I can set to a specific length. This is faster and easier than I first thought. Took me a few years to get to it too lol. But if you set up a precise reference case, mark and hang on to it, it takes seconds to set up. Downside is you still need a shell holder in a drill chuck to spin the case to facilitate fast processing of other actions such as chamfering, deburring, inside neck cleaning (bronze bore brush), and wire wool case clean/polish which also does a final smooth of the case mouth edge.
If you only have one or two calibers, are happy to have a standard case max length and are not to worried about the occasional shorter one (that's still within min/max parameters), the little Lee case length gauges are hard to beat for both utility and price. IMO.
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
I use them for all the Cartridges that I reload for .
I really rate them for their ease of use and how fast I can trim , they also chamfer and debur the case so it’s an all in one operation.
I even went to the stage of modifying one from .223 to my new 6x45 , it was a simple case of running a drill bit through the die piece and bingo I’ve got a 6x45 trimmer , it took 30 seconds to do .
I have the hand turning one , but you can get a battery drill option .