Modelling it in GRT suggests that 2209/h4350 is actually the pick of the bunch when it comes to ADI powders, theres just not enough room in the creedmoor case to get enough 2217 or 2225 in there. If you could somehow shoehorn enough 2217 in the case & run it pretty compressed it would give slightly better velocity but would work best with a very long barrel. 2213sc looks like a good option as far as good velocity & max load would be ever so slightly compressed. 2209/h4350 does look to offer better velocity by around 30-40fps over 2213sc, a max charge its around 90% case fill. However something which may be of interest, a max charge of 2209/h4350 will offer a complete burn in as short as a 19 inch barrel, 2213sc & 2217 would both require a 30 inch barrel to do the same, So you would be burning a bit of powder post muzzle, if your running a supressor it could be pretty hard on it.
RL26 comes in as the clear winner by a country mile, Around 150fps gain over 2209/h4350, complete burn in as short as a 18 inch barrel & good case fill.