New rifle in the stable and I want to pick up some components for loading for it, im thinking 150-160gr projectile.
Suggestions for powder/projectile combos?
New rifle in the stable and I want to pick up some components for loading for it, im thinking 150-160gr projectile.
Suggestions for powder/projectile combos?
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Do you want a few factory rounds to try first?
I have some 150 Core lokts and maybe some 160 Hornady Leverevolution I could flick you.
AR2208 works fine, 2206H would too so if you already have one of those give it a try. Leverevolution looks to give better velocities, but I use AR2208 in two other calibres so i just stick with that.
Old Faithfull projectiles are Hornady interlocks or Sierra Prohunters in 150 and 170.
I've been trying the Hornady 160 FTX (pointed projectile but safe in tube mags) but only shot on an animal so far was a front-on throat shot on a fallow weaner at about 20 metres so not exactly a challenging test. It died.
The ftx is a neat bullet pointy and streamlined ideal for long range however the 3030 especially with open sights was not designed for distance irrespective of what cowboy movies would have you believe its a 0-150 yard rifle and the good old flat point 170 prohunter or speer work just fine.
Cast lead bullets also are suprisingly effective if you want to go down that rabbit hole.
I used 2206H in mine. I good proven FP or RN cup and core bullet is what you need - no need for the premium partition or TSX made for 30-30. I’m not sold on the FTX, as stated it’s not a long range caliber. I’ve also had issues with the pointy FTX against the flat tube magazine plug, skewing the cartridge as it is chambered and impeding it from feeding. And anything 150-170gr is ideal.
More meplat, more better.
2208 will keep you happy. 34g - 35g with a 150 grain Interlock roundnose. You should be able to get 2350 - 2400 fps.
Or 33-34 grains with a 170 grain flatnose will get 2150fps
Interlocks or Sierra Prohunters will do everything you want in a .30/30. The rubber tipped FTX's are a marketing ploy in my opinion, they don't add anything measurable to the .30/30's performance considering your shooting everything under 200 metres anyway.
If you want a rabbit load for when you are living off the land as a survivalist, try 130 grain Speers with 9 grains of AP70N. It will shoot well out to 50 metres with the rear sight raised up.
In my experience the .30/30 is underated in NZ. It will surprise you by killing just as well as a .308 within its own range.
For factory ammo, you actually cant get much better than cheap PPU/Highland 150 grain. Accurate and it chronographs faster than all the others, at 2350fps. (The rest Win/ Rem/ Fed 150 grain factory only get to 2100-2200fps)
170 grn speer FN poked along by winchester powder has been a go to load for many for a long time...if it aint broke dont try to fix it.... you have a long range slayer so assumably this is your new bush rifle...load it as such and be happy.
ay reckon 30 grains av that there awful new smokeless powduurr ayn' ayy awful new "metal patched" 160 grayn bullet
I'm running 170gr sierras. short barrelled Marlin