I wonder if there is anyone out there who has good knowledge and advice on reloading for the 357 Magnum. I made up a pile of reloads recently and worked up a load for the Hornady 140gr FTX projectiles using 17gr of AR2205. I have had this Rossi Puma for a number of years now but only recently started to carry it around the farm instead of my trusty old Parke Hale 7x57 which at 10m - 35m on goats was simply overkill. I settled on the 17gr of AR2205 because it shot consistent groups of 3/4" at 33m. More than enough to shoot the goats at the distance I normally encounter them at. And it dropped them pretty well with heart/lung shots. 3 weeks ago I was up the perimeter ridge and came across a very decent sized pig which ended up weighing 67kg gutted. It was healthy and had a good layer of fat on it. The issue was that when I shot it with the 357 with my awesome accurate 140gr FTX load it jumped and then ran away. I gave it a minute then went looking for it and 2 hours later I gave up and went back to the farm and got my dogs and they managed to find it - not dead but definitely bruised and rather pissed. By this time I had my old .444 marlin with me and quickly dispatched this poor ol'hog. After butchering it was apparent that there was little to no real penetration by this projectile - in hindsight not surprising given it is a pistol round. I should have known this so my bad. So this lead me on to the purpose of this post. Does anyone have a good recommendation for a load that I can use on pigs and goats at close range, preferably not a compressed powder load that would work in both the standard 357 magnum cases as well as the shorter Hornady cases. Not the 180gr projectiles as they kick too much for my daughter hen she uses the firearm. I was thinking the 158gr? What is a good projectile for hunting? I am not after super hot loads just goo accurate-ish loads out to 60m max. Look forward to some advice.