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Thread: Long time shooter.. virgin reloader looking for advice

  1. #1
    Member Tristan's Avatar
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    Aug 2013

    Long time shooter.. virgin reloader looking for advice

    Morning everyone. I have had my ammo reloaded for me for a few years now. I'm in a position now to get my own gear. But in saying that. It is still budget conscious and want to make the dollar stretch as far as I can. Main aim is to get what I need right now to be able to process my rounds then in the future advance on gear and renew or upgrade as I can. I feel bad having to rely on other people to reload the ammo for me and I would rather not feel like I'm a burden. So what I'm looking or asking for is. What are peoples honest reviews of the lee 50th anniversary kit as a starting point. Appreciate your time if you have read this far.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Any of the general starter kits will be fine for your needs, but do note that there will be a number of extras that you'll need on top of that, depending on calibre and whether you are looking for hunting or Match reloading.

    Non-negotiable should be at least one recent reloading manual from one of the big brands; good idea to choose the one from the bullet brand you intend to use.

    There is a good episode from Hornady's podcast recently that covers a lot of this:


    308 and Woody like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    South taranaki
    I started out with the lee anniversary kit.....still use the press and powder thrower.
    I went to cheap digital scales as wasn't happy with the beam scales that came with the kit. Have since gone to Ohaus beam scales. Lol.

    You won't have too many issues with the lee kit,
    zimmer and Micky Duck like this.
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  4. #4
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Agree the Lee stuff pushes out excellent ammunition. It might not be as flash looking as other makes but it works. The only thing that's really not up to speed are the scales as their not magnetically damped and take time to settle. They still work perfectly but are slow
    erniec likes this.

  5. #5
    Member Tristan's Avatar
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    Appreciate all your replies. Pretty much what is in my cart carrently is the lee kit, trim die, reloading tray, electronic scales, comparator, bullet puller, tumbler, tumbler media, and the shell holder, powder trickler, I think from memory all comes in under a grand.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2018
    I'm like @lau lau in that I use the press and powder thrower as they work fine for my needs currently. Having said that at some point I will get a nice big chunky press and relegate the Lee to a depriming station (to keep the nice press clean) and will one day treat myself to an autotrickler powder dispenser setup. As others have said if you do any sort of volume the scales will get irritating quickly.

    This subject has been discussed in depth many times - search the forum but via Google to get the best results. It can be summarised briefly as a) buy the Lee kit and dies, it does the job for low volume and you have everything, or b) if you have the luxury of time and a reloading mentor/gear provider just buy a really good press and beam scales (off here perhaps) and then beg, borrow/steal/add bits as you learn and you won't need to upgrade.

    Welcome to the rabbit hole!
    zimmer and GAW like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    get good scales , lots of lyman come up here often and lee hand primer kit is good value and dont forget the shell holder kits for the prmer kit as well .

  8. #8
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tristan View Post
    Appreciate all your replies. Pretty much what is in my cart carrently is the lee kit, trim die, reloading tray, electronic scales, comparator, bullet puller, tumbler, tumbler media, and the shell holder, powder trickler, I think from memory all comes in under a grand.
    If I was starting again I'd just buy the Lee kit and get going. You can discard bits or replace once you get some experience.
    For case trimming I used the Lee Cutter and Lock Stud set up for years. I presume the Lee kit includes a chamferer?

    Down the track, from my experience, you'll end up with gear from several manufacturers.

    I wouldn't rush into Tumblers etc. I have a big Dillon Tumbler, an Ultra sonic cleaner, and a Stainless Steel pins cleaner. I hardly use them. Reloaders get too hung up on tumbling, tumbling, tumbling. I just used to wipe the necks with white spirits and brush inside the necks.

    I alway recommend starting out with mechanical beam ballance (not Lee, sorry MD). The modern fixation is of course on cheap electronics. I still have my old Ohaus beam balance in the back of the cupboard. I will never sell it even though I have an AnD setup. Incidentally, the power supply on my AnD died a couple of years ago. It took a few days to source a replacement and if it hadn't been for reserecting my Ohaus I would have been dead in the water.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Lee scales are not the nicest in the world to use but are perfectly accurate...and compact. The biggest issue is they take a long time to dampen. Just pick up a couple of circular magnets from Mitre10 and stack them on the housing on the other side of the pointer and it will settle very quickly. Otherwise will do a far more accurate job than any cheap digital.
    I know a lot but it seems less every day...

  10. #10
    Member Oldbloke's Avatar
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    You don’t need heaps of stuff to start reloading. Some can be made or purchased second hand
    * “O” (best) or a solid “C” Frame 7/8” press, some come with the priming tool.
    * Priming tool. Although its possible to use a punch
    * Shell holders to suit the cartridge
    * Dies- MUST have for each calibre. Lee RGB are the cheapest to get you started. ~$50
    * Loading block(s) Buy or easy to make
    * Sizing lube – Almost any oil will do. e.g. diff, engine, coco nut or Lanox
    * Powder funnel-Must have one of these.
    * In the absence of scales powder scoops will do the job. But you will need to check them if you DIY
    * Components, Powder, Primers Projectiles, Cases
    * Access to ADI Powder manual-for loading data. Data – Rifle – ADI World Class Powders and Ammunition
    * Manual on how to do it or someone to show you. https://marvinstuart.com/firearm/Man...ing%20Manuals/
    OPTIONAL or Can wait a while
    Scales - A high priority. Beam or electronic. IMO beam are best. Some whinge about the lee scales? But at a pinch they do the job.
    Trimmer- You need to buy one of these with each cartridge in the lee kit. But a generic one is preferred. It will do almost any cartridge, most companies sell them.
    Powder measure. (If you load lots) Lee Perfect powder measure is abt $55. These are great
    Primer pocket cleaner, Easy to make, drill or screw driver
    De-burrer, A sharp pocket knife and fine file will do this if you have nothing else. Plumbers pipe de-burrer
    Trickler, or very tiny scoop. Or just use a 308 shell and dribble it in. Easy to make too
    Vernier caliper to check case length & OAL. I got away with a plastic dial caliper for years. Dial type seem to be best.
    Tumbler- But I use the salt/vinegar/detergent solution in an ultra sonic jewelry cleaner.


    1. De-Prime
    2. Clean (optional) I use an ultrasonic cleaner. Water, vinegar, detergent. Rinse and air dry
    3. Visual inspection of fired cases looking for signs of pressures, case separation or neck cracking
    4. Anneal every few reloads or as required.
    5. Lube & lightly lube inside of neck
    6. FLRS or neck size
    7. Wash/clean and air dry. Or you can just wipe off the lube.
    8. Trim all cases & de-bur. Every load or as required.
    9. Prime.
    10 Charge. I then check them all using a torch to ensure none have been missed.
    11. Seat projectile and check length. (OAL)
    small_caliber likes this.
    Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests. The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
    A bit more bang is better.

  11. #11
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    I must get around to trying one of the newer red lee sets of scales...mine are green and Im buggered if I know what you lot are on about...pretty plurry quick ,the ohaus are similar speed..... slow = sensitive=good well thats my thoughts anyway
    the only bit of lee gear I dislike..ok ok ok I detest wit ha vengence is the toothpaste like case jamming,die wrecking glue...sold as case lube LOL
    SOME fellas love the stuff,and if you use it correctly its good....not so correctly and you will then also detest it. vasoline works very well as do many other products,apply with fingertips,dead simple and no get stuck.....LOL
    zimmer likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  12. #12
    Member Tristan's Avatar
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    I already have dies think they are a rgb set. I bought years ago so a mate could reload for me. I'm starting to feel alot more confident now on what I have selected in my cart to buy now. Feel I should be able to hit the ground running and be able to reload some rounds. It ain't serious amounts. Prob 100 a year for the 7mmrm but also looking to reload for My 223 as well. Again appreciate the advice. Next job is to build up a bench in the shed and fit another light abo live said bench.
    308 likes this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    How are you getting on with the reloading Tristan??



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