She's humming along now! I rang them just now, and they told me after a long shipping they need to be left pluged in for 24h to re adjust. and by the time i sat down with it on the phone with her it, blew on the cell and bingo!
Thank you everyone who helped out,
I'm really glad i didn't have to post it back.
Special thanks to PERRISCICABA who offered to run me through the process over the phone,
A lot of good bugger on here.
Hey @William, awesome that you have it going, very happy for you.
As you mention, YES we have heaps of good "Buggers" in here, I also few I always have help and learn heaps in here, someone one day did help me with some projectiles and said to me, "you don't need to pay me at all, just help as well when you can", so I always help if I can.
All the best and enjoy your new "toy"
Haha, I had a go with it tonight, was planning on making a ladder, 5 rounds at each powder charge, but it was running faster than I could seat them with the choke in and I got to six rounds before I realised how many I had already made!
I can't believe I survived so long without it.
So a worthwhile purchase then? What calibre and charge weight are you loading for and how fast is it? I am thinking about getting one as I am keen to speed up the reloading process and weighing charges seems to be the slowest part excluding brass prep.
Very worthwhile ;) if your time is valuable.
In the time mine has dispensed powder, I've seated the projectile, measured OAL and packed away in the ammo box. Wish I'd bought one ages ago tbh.
Weighing the charge is by far the slowest part of the whole deal.
I load for .243, 7mm08, .308 and 7mmRM. Now with this I'll start loading for my 223 as well.
once you have it set up, it's really quick, you can also speed it up by using a powder scoop to pre load the pan.
As for charge weight, anything from 40 odd to 70 odd. But thats just what I'm doing, it will charge for .50cal if you wanted to.
Hope you get years of use out of it. They are a bit tinny in construction but results on paper and chrony are proof they are very accurate and consistent.
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