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Thread: Neck bushing die

  1. #1
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    Neck bushing die

    Who makes a good neck bushing die for 270wsm? And where can I get one.
    Also what is the deal with the bushings?

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    Rule 5: Check your firing zone

  2. #2
    AB Precision
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    Dec 2011
    Redding, measure your neck diameter, 270wsm? Then take 2thou off it an that's the bushing to use

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  3. #3
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Redding are the business, but in saying that id been keen to get a complete set of Wilson arbor dies in anything new.
    Bushing Selection | Redding Reloading Equipment: reloading equipment for rifles, handguns, pistols, revolvers and SAECO bullet casting equipment

    Wilson and Redding bushings are interchangeable. Wilsons have a slight taper on one side which could have advantages.
    L. E. WILSON Inc.

    Julian @ Workshop Innovations is good to deal with if your want to try Wilson
    Gunsmithing Tools, Reloading Equipment, Books & DVDs - Workshop Innovation

    I like a bit more tension than Redding say, especially for hunting rounds where that can get bumped around a fair bit. Around 0.0020" - 0.0025"

  4. #4
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    so measure a fired case?
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone

  5. #5
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by puku View Post
    so measure a fired case?
    No. Loaded. Subtract 2 thou and bingo.

    Take an average for a dozen or so to get it right. Remember different brass makes will be different so you need to have some consistency there.

  6. #6
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    And just so I've got this right. By doing this I'll have less tension when it comes to seating the projectile? (As this is the issue)

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  7. #7
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by puku View Post
    And just so I've got this right. By doing this I'll have less tension when it comes to seating the projectile? (As this is the issue)

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    Dunno, as you have not given any measurement for the current batch. What you will have is a known and adjustable (via bushes) neck tension but that still can be done with any neck die. I assume your current dies uses an expander mandrel?
    How have you reached the conclusion you have too much neck tension for starters?

  8. #8
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    Yes its a Hornady neck die with expander ball.
    Um there was some marks made on projectiles when seating. And Abe suggested it was a problem. I'll post a pic

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  9. #9
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    Here's what happened.

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  10. #10
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    When I get done today I'll have a measure up and have a look at the options.
    It's amazing how you think you've got the hang of reloading then something fucks you up.
    Always lesrning a...

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  11. #11
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Wow, that looks like you have had to give it a fair old push. Sure its not a 7mm pill
    An expander will work for all brass as it works the inside of the neck to a standard size. Abe should have a handle on this though as Ive never seen seater stem marks that bad before. Sometime a compressed load will need more force? Its not a crunchy load is it?
    He he. Life's a learning curve alright, let alone making stupid guns and bullets work!

  12. #12
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    I hope not. I've already sent some down barrel...
    I bought them through the claw whose mate had 7mm ones ordered for him and these turned up.
    Yes it took a lot of effort. And also a lot of whacks with the bullet puller to pull the over Mac load

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  13. #13
    Ex stick thrower madjon_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by puku View Post
    I hope not. I've already sent some down barrel...
    I bought them through the claw whose mate had 7mm ones ordered for him and these turned up.
    Yes it took a lot of effort. And also a lot of whacks with the bullet puller to pull the over Mac load

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
    I went out and got a once fired Fed 270 (a real 270) full sized,champhered and seated a 7mm Core loct,no prob and surprisingly easy with a Lee hand press.
    .277 verse .284..........................7.0mm verse 7.18
    Loaded neck .311

    I wasn't up to putting it down the tube. Sooo what to call it?
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    Last edited by madjon_; 01-09-2013 at 08:01 PM.
    Real guns start with the number 3 or bigger and make two holes, one in and one out

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by madjon_ View Post
    Sooo what to call it?
    personally, i would call that mighty round the 280
    veitnamcam and Matt2308 like this.



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