Also remember 1 full turn of a die will give 71 thou movement so gently gently only fractions required. I also find that when you have a case almost at the right setting after adjusting the die use another case to try the new setting. If you use the same case you will find due to brass hysteresis/spring back and the only small change required for that piece of brass you end up having to over adjust the die to get that last small movement. Use another piece of unsized brass to test the outcome of your last adjustment.
To get very fine movements I use either Redding Competition Shellholders of shims between the die and the press - Skip's shims. I have a mate who uses feeler gauges inserted into the shellholder under the case brass to achieve the same result. Works OK but you have to put the feeler gauge in for each case sizing. Better to find a permanent seeting on the die and lock it off.