Here it is at 2.710" in the COAL gauge. Looks like a satisfying amount of case capacity behind the 90gr ELD-X, I'm planning on 3150fps for this one. Maybe 3300fps if I get it Ackleyed.
Here it is at 2.710" in the COAL gauge. Looks like a satisfying amount of case capacity behind the 90gr ELD-X, I'm planning on 3150fps for this one. Maybe 3300fps if I get it Ackleyed.
I got underway today. Still no loaded rounds, but I did measure my max COAL, came out at 2.69 so very similar.
I will hopefully load some tomorrow afternoon, but it will probably be a while before I get to the range to try them.
@Cigar, is the 2.690" touching the lands, or is that assuming a certain amount of jump? Which rifle?
The 2.710" on mine is assuming 20 thou of jump, the actual max (touching lands) is 2.730".
2.690" touching the lands would be quite a short chamber?
@Flyblown Yes, 2.69 touching the lands. It's a Brno ZKK601. Sounds like its 1mm shorter than your rifle, though i have seen a 0.02 inch difference between different lots of the 308 178gr ELD-X, so could be partly projectile differences too.
I loaded some rounds today at 2.66 COAL (2.16 to ogive using Hornady comparator).
I got onto Hornady to ask them about the absence of reloading data for this bullet. They told me to use the 87 grain V-Max data.
The only thing I would caution about is the fact that in another calibres the ELD-X has reached pressure quicker than the thinner jacketed bullets of equivalent weight. e.g. ELD-X vs ELD-M. In the same way that I've been reading about blokes reaching pressure signs much earlier with the Sierra GameChanger vs the GameKing, also due to the thicker jacket.
I'm aiming to replicate the Precision Hunter .243 ammo that has 3150fps written on the box (24" barrel). So anywhere around 3050-100fps would be good from a 20" barrel.
I'd have been out already if it weren't for this mad westerly flow Brian, crazy winds at our place and some stellar thunderstorms and downpours. Very frustrating. Desperate for a nice calm, cold, crisp period, looks like we might have a respite Monday / Tuesday, which if it happens means an awful lot of shooting is going to happen in my little quiet valley. Having been away for a while, so I expect someone "new" will call the bloody AOS.
You are right the wind has been bad with thunder storms about, looks like a bit better lot of weather over the next couple of days , probably set the possum traps tomorrow for a couple of nights.
Finally got the 243 to shoot a good group. 87 gr Hornady with 43 grs or 2209 went into just over 3/4 inch at 100 yards. T I tried a few 90 gr Game changers but they went into 2 inch as did some 95 SST. Looks like this rifle is fussy to say the least. Now I know it can shoot with a load it likes I will try some 90 gr ELD X bullets to see if it likes them.
Previously the groups were stringing so they have improved since last time I tried it.
My 243 needs bedding and the barrel floated, but out of the blue it did this last time at the range with the Hornady 87gr SP varmint
Managed to put a couple of groups on paper this afternoon with the new 6mm Dasher barrel, testing these 90gr ELDX as well as some 95gr Sierra TMKs, some 90gr and 95gr Nosler ballistic tips. The ELDX are showing promise with H4895 @3190fps and I have a few more loaded up with some BM8208 to try as soon as the weather allows.
No issues with loading them and they have perfect 100% bearing surface to case neck contact with the small boat tail sitting in the shoulder junction when loaded 10 thou off the lands.
Cant say the same for the TMKs...
Hi there, hey send me your details & I'll send a few Targex 95gr for you to try. I know a lot of fellas dont believe a bullet made in a shed in little NZ can compete with the big boys but I think you may get a pleasant surprise. If not it will be an interesting experiment for you anyway.
Cheers, Bryn
Targex Bullets.