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  • 5 Post By Beavis
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Thread: New ADI factory & powders

  1. #1
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    New ADI factory & powders

    Was told today that ADI have their new factory due to come on line later this year. Apparently they will also be releasing a whole new range of "high performance powders". And the old powders might no longer be available once new factory is up and running. Any one able to confirm or verify ?
    I'm not looking forward to having to start again on load development ??!!

  2. #2
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw View Post
    Was told today that ADI have their new factory due to come on line later this year. Apparently they will also be releasing a whole new range of "high performance powders". And the old powders might no longer be available once new factory is up and running. Any one able to confirm or verify ?
    I'm not looking forward to having to start again on load development ??!!
    I too hate load development. May just have to stock up on powder if they stop making the current options.

  3. #3
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I don't understand why they can't just keep the formulation the same. I couldn't imagine a world without 2206H.
    john m, steven, northdude and 2 others like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Me neither one of the most useful powders on the planet, I think the new powders are the faster stuff like AP50 AP70 as that was the factory that burnt down, hope so

  5. #5
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    I don't understand why they can't just keep the formulation the same. I couldn't imagine a world without 2206H.
    What do load with that powder? Or what don't you load with it
    Dan M

  6. #6
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Don't panic, they are not going to cease their top sellers. Look at the popularity of Varget and H4895 in the States. More likely fine tuning of the current recipes and new recipe introductions which all manufacturers are doing at any rate. And remember 2206H has not been around all that long and the world didn't end when 2206 was removed.
    steven and Cyclops like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    2206H and 2208 are used so extensively I cant believe they would be so silly as to can them. From what I can read they are just re-naming some pistol and shotgun powders? or do you have a better link?
    Last edited by steven; 22-01-2016 at 01:11 PM.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  8. #8
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    yeah, fingers crossed they don't mess with the top sellers in rifle powders. But it would be nice to see this clarified by ADI. The chap in Reloaders who told me the story seemed to have been told that it was a big revamp of the ADI range. And $$ invested into a whole new factory and equipment might mean they have decided to make changes .... or have to cos their new equipment might give different outcomes. Then the marketing guys get to spin the story .... so suddenly now we have "new & improved high performance bla bla woof woof" .... probably have anti melting additives to stop the plastic tips from catching fire ?? Oh damn, Hornady already milking that one.



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