I have posted previously that I have used a Lee Challenger Press Kit since the mid '80's, as well as a Lee Loader Kit which I gave to Dan88 the other day, still got another one. Over the years the only exras that I've aquired are: RCBS champher tool, Lee powder thrower, Lee case length trimmers, primer pocket cleaner and a cheap set of electronic scales which I use as the mood takes me. as syated prviously the Lee Loader isn't that slow when you get in the flow, 20 rounds in 20 minutes or a bit less.
These days I reload maybe 60-100 rounds of .308 ammo per year and average about 20 rounds per week of .223. Still buy bulk .223 from time to time.
Either of my setups is capable of loading consistant, accurate ammo that meets my needs. Shooting over day pack with no or little wind, .223 consistantly hits a standard clay target (110mm diam) out to 400 yards. .308 out to 300 yards, I don't waste too much 308 ammo doing this these days.
So you can go as fancy and tech. as you want to but 'cheap shit' like Lee is plenty good enough , IMO.