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Thread: Newby wannabe reloader part 2

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I started with Lee and used their instructions,then got a copy of Nick Harvey's manual.
    Worked for me.
    Mind I just wanted cheaper ammo.
    You could download lee,hornady or the like manuals/instructions.
    Or get somebody local to run you through the basics.

    Sent from my SM-J530Y using Tapatalk

  2. #17
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    if you want I can give you some idea of what I do. Its very easy you just have to pay attention to what you are doing.
    Best advice posted so far. OP needs to go around to someone's place and have a play, even take his own gear and get help with setup. Press on a piece of timber and a couple of G clamps.

    I could type forever on the topic but wont even start as all that will do is add to the information overload, despite the process actually being reasonable simple.
    charliehorse likes this.

  3. #18
    even simpler would be start with a lee loader if there's one available in any of the cals you have

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Just find one guy that has experience and suits what you want to achieve.
    Bounce everything off him. The forum is great and will give you good advice but like @zimmer said, information overload!
    You’ll get lost and won’t know the good advice from the poor.
    mimms2 likes this.

  5. #20
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    One of the videos I watched was for the same rcbs dies I have and that explained die set up (just kissing the shell holder for sizing /decapping die) and the second die for bullet seating so those seem to be simple enough to set up , even set up for crimping was explained so that shouldn't be a problem.... hopefully.
    I was going to save one of my factory rounds unfired to use as a guide for overall length (?). I intend to use the same bullet weight...
    It's the talk of shoulder measurements etc and neck tension that is confusing me a little as I thought that the full length resizing die sorted all that. Just checking brass length was required after sizing.
    Obviously I have a lot to learn...
    born to hunt - forced to work

  6. #21
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    its simple as a pimple if you let it be.....
    take die with the sticky out bit at bottom...screw into top of press...
    put in correct shell holder....
    move presshandle till part 1 touches part 2....lock ring in place.......you can screw in further if cases too tight in chamber...or back out a LITTLE if fit good and want to make rounds closer fit to chamber.
    grab the vasoline from bedside cabinet...put small amount on saturday night fingers of right hand.....take case in left hand by neck...twirl case in lubed fingers leaving LIGHT coating on body of case NOT ON THE NECK OR SHOULDERS.
    do all your cases...
    dip case mouth/neck in powdered graphite...I have small jam jar lid with this and steel shot....it will leave light covering on brass.
    place lubed case in press and move handle through cycle...it may take some force...and back other way.....you will see primer pop out and drop down into bin/container.
    case is now sized.....
    try in chamber for ease of closing....if you want..

    next check case length.....trim if needed.
    debur case mouth inside and out...
    clean primer pocket....
    charge case with correct amount of correct powedr for projectile weight used....
    place prepped case into shell holder,move handle to lift case,screw the other die /without sticky out bit in untill you fell it touch case mouth...handle will quiver a little.
    unscrew top bit of die till loose
    place your factory round in shell holder.......move press handle to other position so round goes up into die...NO FORCE NEEDED.... now SLOWLY screw it down untill press handle twitchs like your old fella when it sees boobies....STOP THINKING ABOUT BOOBIES.... stop screwing die down....
    now take your primed charged case and place in shell holder...place your projectile in neck and guide it in as you move press handle...start it going in,stop rotate round 90degrees and complete stroke.
    take it out and compare to factory round....it SHOULD be pretty close in overall length...and if projectile is same should be VERY close .
    whipe of lube........try chambering with all usual safety precautions in play...muzzle in safe direction...if possible have safety applied...
    if chambers well and cycles from mag....you got it first time
    load half dozen and try on paper...if group ok..go back and write your recipe...primer type,powder and weight.projectile on wall above bench in vivid and STICK TO IT.
    job done.
    there endith reloading for dummies 101
    HUNTY and Happy Jack like this.

  7. #22
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    on wall infront of my loading bench is paper instructions that come with LEE dies.
    and paper sheet with my recipes.

  8. #23
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ftx325 View Post
    It's the talk of shoulder measurements etc and neck tension that is confusing me a little as I thought that the full length resizing die sorted all that. Just checking brass length was required after sizing.
    Obviously I have a lot to learn...
    It is that simple if you want it to be. That's all you need to do to start, and you can bring in the extras later on to tweak your ammo.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    For F**ks Sake, @Mickey Duck, nearly lost a mouth full of coffee over the key board reading about your Saturday night fingers
    Micky Duck likes this.

  10. #25
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    Ok... So I have a mount for the press so I can just use it in my vice. The resize die seems simple to set up , and I have hornady case lube that came with kit.
    So in theory I just have to give cases a wipe on the outside and I can start resizing and decapping then?
    Does the inside of the brass neck need cleaning somehow or do I just go ahead and get started?
    If I can just rip into it I will have a go on a couple of cases tonight and see what happens...

    Mmmm ... Boobies....
    born to hunt - forced to work

  11. #26
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    re-read what I said re lubing....outside parralel walls get lubed with ...whatever you use...do case necks with lube BUT NOT SHOULDERS...if you not using powdered graphite...put some lube on rag and push case mouth onto rag..so it gets A LITTLE on inside and outside of neck...
    too much lube and you will dent shoulders..too little and you get a stuck case...VERY VERY frustrating when that happens.
    Happy Jack likes this.

  12. #27
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    no NEED to clean brass at all...... but nice shiney stuff,is easier to find on the ground.
    Happy Jack likes this.

  13. #28
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Thanks @Micky Duck, just cut and pasted that into a word doc so I can print those instructions and pin up above my bench
    Micky Duck likes this.

  14. #29
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    Yeah... got what you said re lube @Micky Duck.
    The wipe on outside of case was in relation to cleaning the brass. Ok , I' m going to bite the bullet and go give it a go.
    Just gave the die a clean so should be good.
    Fingers crossed.....
    Micky Duck likes this.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  15. #30
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Jan 2020
    I de primed, sized and checked case length today but can't re prime yet. I checked case length online for recommended size and then took a mean average of all my once fired brass as it's 3 different makes.



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