Does anyone know if the Nosler Partition 60grain shoot and stabilise well in a Tikka .223 1:12 twist, 20"barrel, and is it ok to use for Fallow Deer, goats and Pigs to 300yards?
I intend to use CFE223 powder.
Does anyone know if the Nosler Partition 60grain shoot and stabilise well in a Tikka .223 1:12 twist, 20"barrel, and is it ok to use for Fallow Deer, goats and Pigs to 300yards?
I intend to use CFE223 powder.
Or you can stay within 300 yards and keep life a lot simpler.
I’m certain it would, as it will in some 1:14 barrels.
More meplat, more better.
300 might be stretching it a tad possibly particularly on pigs but the Partition is a good performing bullet on game.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
No, it won't.
Its unstable in the 1:12" at 3300fps, which would be well hot.
You can work this out here:
JBM - Calculations - Stability
JBM - Bullet Length List
Its also not the best .224 bullet for the game you mention other than maybe for small pigs.
Partitions are excellent pills, have not used them in 223, but have used them extensively in everything from 25 cal to 30 cal. Always provided excellent terminal performance. Just note they don’t have a great BC so not the best choice for longer ranges.
From what I’ve found, calculators don’t always translate to real life. To give an example, I know guys with 1:14 twist Sako L461s, slower twist and MV than diana2’s 223, and they’re shooting .5 moa groups with 60gr and 65gr bullets. Then there are guys with identical L461’s who cannot get a 55gr to stabilise. Obviously I’m not mentioning length/bearing surface, but these are all cup and core type projectiles, not monolithic.
At the end of the day, you just have to experiment for yourself.
More meplat, more better.
Thanks everyone and esp.@Flyblown for the cool chart
Last edited by diana2; 25-06-2019 at 10:47 PM.
Or you can stay within 300 yards and keep life a lot simpler.
Yes and no @chainsaw... I have also used Partitions in pretty much everything 6.5mm and up, at some point, but in .223 I found they weren't delivering quite enough goop inside the rib cage. Very predictable if you got a solid broadside high shoulder shot - right through both scapulas - bang flop. But quartering... they were finnickity. Had a number of long runners with them on one particular trip, when cull hunting young reds, anything angled into the shoulder was a bit of a lottery. Haven't used them in .223 since.
This one was well hit in the front shoulder angling across, exiting out the back of the opposite shoulder. Sorry for the crap ribcage photo... entry on right, exit on left (two holes). The outside of the carcass had a clear exit hole, but it was very small. This one ran for bloody miles, luckily it was all along the contour across a large, clear, steep paddock and I had eyes on the whole time, it took ages to go down. Honestly thought it was going to make the fence. There was remarkably little damage to the vitals, just a narrow wound channel right the way through. So compared to the more frangible Sierra 55gr GameKing SP for example, these wee Partitions weren't doing enough damage to my way of thinking.
They're pretty good on smallish mediumish pigs though. More of the energy gets to do its work inside the animal, instead of the paddock.
Last edited by Flyblown; 25-06-2019 at 11:23 PM.
yep, i can imagine the Partition might be a tad too tough in 22 cal. But then again personally I'd never use any 22 cal on large body game like reds, out of respect for the quarry. Perfect shot placement and target presentation you might get away with it .... but I'd rather just take more gun.
@Flyblown, have you given both of the 55gr gamekings a go or just the SP one? I’ve always wondered if there was any real work difference between that and the HP one. I’ve had good success with the Sierra 55gr varminter (1345) too, it expands well without being too explosive. Wouldn’t run it in anything faster than a .223 though.
More meplat, more better.
Only the soft point @tanqueray. Good little bullet.
Yup fair comment @chainsaw. Just a reminder that these were all young reds, sub-yearlings, the photos were dated July so around 7-8 months old as that property is November - December fawns. Probably 50kg live weight max? The regular cup and core .223 soft points drop them with no difficulty, much more "liquefaction" on the inside.
I've only been using the 223 for a short time; and only on goats. But I'm using the Buffalo ammo with the 55gr GameKings. The last big billy I shot was at about 100m range. It was a shaggy beast but the bullet exited without too much of a hole so is obviously pretty hard (killed it on the spot though). It didn't ruin a great deal of meat and could pretty much use it up to the hole. Seeing that it didn't expand a hell of a lot on a big goat with a thick coat of hair; I'd say it would give good penetration on a bigger animal.
MMMmmmm, shaggy billy goat meat. Yum yum!
You're brave @bumblefoot!