Hi everyone!
Just my .50c(Fifth centes) in this case. I just checked Nosler website (
270 Winchester Load Data) for the cartridge and projectile in question and
I must agree with Grunta, your reload is too short as you can see in the link I attached here, it may be the actual cause. Regards the powder charge, we can see that you have a promissing little "range" to work thru in between 53 and 54 grains, via the ADI data book 54.3gr is the maximum, so, in my honest opinion and suggestion I would load 5 rounds of the following grains and triple check the length you seating it.
The 2.520" you see in the ADI book is for the "CASE TRIM" not the C.O.A.L., so do it again with the maximum C.O.A.L. of 3.280" - 3.300" and it shall be enough to fit your magazine, from there you will see improvements or not.
Just an example that happen to me, my 7mm rem mag has better accuracy when I load the rounds to fit in to the magazine.
So, to finalise, reload 5 rounds of each charges of he following charges and then work from there(don't worry to much about the .5gr increments they will give you some space to work after you find a "close" sweet spot.) 53.0, 53.5, 54.0, 54.5gr.
Good luck, hope it give you a bit of light!
And accuracy too! Lol!
All the best!
IMPORTANT! ALWAYS be safe and check your rounds after each fired, check for the basic / standards "danger" signs!