Right, so how do people process once fired brass , ie 223, 9mm. Etc
Talking for bulk ammo, for ipsc and 3gun type shooting, not super super accurate, but better than bad if that makes sense :)
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Right, so how do people process once fired brass , ie 223, 9mm. Etc
Talking for bulk ammo, for ipsc and 3gun type shooting, not super super accurate, but better than bad if that makes sense :)
For me once fired 223 goes in one side of my press and 6.5TCU comes out the other :)
Frst station necks up, deprimes and primes and from there.............
For 3Gun as long as you can hit the target 1/2 to 1/4MOA accuracy is wasted
Depriming with cheap Lee universal decapping die, then into a STM tumbler, forming the necks, priming, load, shoot.
I visually check all my brass then just tumble, dry media to get the grit from the range off. Shake all the media out in a basket then load em up.
Have no issue getting accurate pistol ammo but I haven't loaded .223 on my progressive press yet. Got shit tons of loaded stuff.
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For fired brass I just size, trim and deburr case necks then throw it in the ultrasonic cleaner then prime and load once dry recently I have also started to uniform all of the primer pockets on my brass since I bought one of those lyman case care kits
deprime (lee universal),
clean in tumbler (Extreme Tumblers Rebel 17 & lemi-shine and Palmolive)
then using a Lee 4 Hole Turret press with Lee PaceSetter Die Set,
1)full length resize + prime
2)power throw (Lee pro auto-disk power measure)
3)bullet seat
I'm probably going the long and pedantic route with it but here is what I do.
Deprime .223 in a neck die. (Not pressed in enough to size neck just knock primers out)
Put in sonic cleaner.
Lube and F/L size.
Sonic clean again to rid if lube.
Trim, deburr, chamfer and decrimp.
Dry media tumble.
Prime, powder, projectile and crimp.
Easy only takes a week of an hour here and there for 1000rds.
Been loading and reloading a 223 for target shooting since August 2014.
Put 1200-1300 rounds through it. Have a base of 400 rounds so most are onto their 4th use.
None have been full length resized.
Once fired a case is neck sized and deprimed in a Lee press with Lee die.
Cases are then ultrasonic cleaned, then dried.
Reprimed, reloaded, and a new projectile added. No lube required.
Works for us.
Savage Model 12 VLP DBM 223 26" 1:7 twist barrel, Norma Brass, 24.7 gr ADI AR2208, 80 gr Hornady A-Max projectiles.
Chuck empties in tumbler for an hour, then one of those Dillion spinning baskets to remove media from tumbling process.
Put shells in a bucket, spray with Dillon spray lube, put lid on bucket...shake it gently, repeat.
Into a lee 1000 to deprime
Then I hand prime with a lee primer. I like to do this as this is my only QC where I inspect the shells.
Back into the lee 1000, put the other turret on with dies and powder etc (I have one turret with just the sizer/decapper, the other with powder, seater/crimper).
Job done.
Well it seems i'm not alone......
This is only if i get unknown once fired brass, for me fired, 9mm its just a tumble and then 650 to load up
223 -
Dry tumble (just to knock the unknown crap off)
F/L size (lube about every 3 case) and de prime (on a single stage)
Deswag (drill mounted cutter)
Wet s/s pin clean
Measure and trim
Outside chamfer
Inside chamfer
Was wondering if i should dry thumble with something mixed in to stop tarnishing etc....? Normally add a bit of turps and frankford arsenal clealer to the corncob - works a treat for 9mm, sort of lubes them a bit
Dry thumble
Deprime and size (on the 650)
Wet pin clean
Load in 650 ( leaving the sizer decapper die in - just in case i missed one....)
With thmbling after deburring, do you worry about media getting stuck in flash hole? Or is it add a step and blow out with compress air?
I tumble with old primers in to avoid this.
with the right size media stuck pins aren't an issue
Sorry that was for @EK9132 about media in flash hole......
@Beaker I check each primer pocket before seating primers so if any are blocked I use the end of a lee trimmer pilot to dislodge the media.