I don't really have a dedicated reloading space at home and while I would love to have a set up permanently on my workbench, the inquisitive nature of my son would suggest for the time being that is not possible.
With the weather not conducive to going to the range today, I whipped up a portable reloading stand for my Forster Co-ax press. Nothing fancy, but it means I can secure it away when not in use, but also use it quickly if the work bench is clear, or even use it on the kitchen bench if the garage gets too cold.
With the press set up, I managed to deprime and size a few 300wsm cases. Seems stable enough but I have the option of clamping the frame to the bench if needed.
I'm planning a more permanent setup, but for now I'm stoked just to set up the press and take my first baby step in my reloading journey.