So TIG, TUG etc are Brenneke bullets, not RWS @Jit? Or are they one in the same thing? Certainly look very similar.
On the Brenneke website they say “TIG® continuously proves to be one of the most successful bullets for all light and moderately heavy types of game on a worldwide scale.” Which is probably a little bit optimistic considering I’ve never come across them before.
I remember when I lived in southern Africa I hunted with a few Europeans and one thing that I recall now was how used they were to tracking long runner deer with dogs. It’s a fair while ago now but my hazy memory recalls a strong preference for very hard bullets that passed through and did little peripheral damage, and the bang flop DRT we tend to strive for here was not particularly important to them. Almost as if the tracking of the deer with the dogs was as much or more fun than the shooting of it.