to be seen back up for sale at a forum near you soon........... tick....tock...tick....tock
75/15/10 black powder matters
I bought a sako finnbear
Following as nephew is taking delivery of a 30.06 soon
Happy Jack.
I see your gesturing Im your #1 fan.........
75/15/10 black powder matters
Im using 2217 in my 6.5 06 not sure if thats any good in 30 06
Just looked over Nathan Fosters notes on the 30/06 (he’s a huge fan of the cartridge) and his recommendations are 2209 for 150-168gr pills, and superformance for the 178’s and heavier. Burn rate about the same as 2213sc, but higher bulk density so you can pack a healthy dose in there.
And screw the haters @dannyb have fun with it!
@Hunter_Nick Ive said it before..if didnt already own a .270w I would own either a .30/06 or a .308 cant give them higher praise than that.... and yip something really heavy in 06 would be a LOT of fun in the bush....
75/15/10 black powder matters
lgs had a parker hale 30 06 with its iron sights on it still and scope for $300 nearly came home with it but I've got enough already.
Danny I have been playing around with Staball 6.5 and the new Staball HD which has a burn rate like AR 2225. Staball 6.5 will do what 2209 will do maybe even slightly better.
I have tried it in several of my rifles with good results. Accuracy has been good too. I have a 20 inch suppressed Ruger American and have been loading the Hornady 180 gr SP with 56.5 grs of Staball 6.5 and ended with an average velocity of 2687 fps which isn't to bad for a 20 inch barrel. My load is a little under max so there is wiggle room there.
If you can get try some, you will notice after firing the barrel looks dirty but as far as I know this is something to do with the copper retardent in the powder. I like it a lot its good in 243, 22 250, 30 06, 303, 6.5x55, 270 etc.
just checking @Mooseman that yours was a 20" 30-06 aye ?