Greetings @Dicko and all,
The development of smokeless powder military rifle cartridges was extremely rapid. The French started it al with their Lebel rifle and its 8mm smokeless cartridge in 1886. Neither the rifle nor the cartridge case was all that special but the smokeless powder and the calibre was revolutionary. A deserter from the French army delivered a rifle and its cartridges to the Germans who had introduced their first repeating rifle in 1884 which was now obsolete. A rapid development of a new army rifle for Germany, at Spandau, resulted in the M88 "Commission Rifle" and the 8mm cartridge. The action had elements of both Mauser and Mannlicher designs. In 1889 Mauser produced their first smokeless cartridge and rifle chambered for the 7.65 x 53 Mauser cartridge in Belgium. Things moved on rapidly from there.
Regards Grandpamac.