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  • 1 Post By Tentman
  • 1 Post By Tentman

Thread: Palma Brass

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury

    Palma Brass

    Anyone actually had any real world issue at cold temps using Palma brass? Have a bit of 308 palma brass and a 308 BLR I'd like to do some load development for but obviously it's a hunting rifle so don't want issue with temps. I always used remington 7. 5 primers which are hot and never had any issue but it never came on any really cold trips.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Gidday. I've run my 6.5x47 (small primers) on some cold trips with no issues just using Federal 210's. I don't recall any missed shots that might have been down to ammo . . . But it's a 1923 Mauser so the primers get a mighty wallop and I don't stretch it past 300M
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Oops meant 205M's
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Tentman View Post
    Oops meant 205M's
    Yeh I had a 6.5x47 and never had issue but burning a touch more powder in the 308. I doubt I'll have issues but have 50 brand new cases that I'd prefer not load up if I'm going to sell them.

  5. #5
    Member zimmer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I use Lapua SRP brass in my 6.5x47L and my 308 (Palma brass). I also use Peterson SRP brass in my 308.
    I have never had ignition problems with either using CCI BR primers. The 6.5x47L uses both ADI2208 and Reloder 15, whilst the 308 uses mostly 2208.

    There was a thread going back a bit on the topic of whether magnum primers are needed with, IIRC the Palma brass.
    I cannot remember the thread outcome. Maybe the OP was going to try some magnum primers. Maybe Winchester ball powder was in there somewhere as well.

    Maybe for your application just run magnum primers although from my experience they are not needed.
    I have read on overseas forums though about using magnum primers in cold (extreme?) weather.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury
    Hmm I use the remington 7.5s which are considered a pretty hot primer and I've had great results with ES so maybe I'll stick to this setup for now. Only thing is I'm a bit scared with the lever I'm going to be losing brass like crazy.



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