My first powder coat was given to me by Jeff aka the Cast Bullet kid, my latest attempt is from a post that @Driverman and @rupert made
From Driverman
I apply powder coat to bare bullets that have been water dropped from the mold with no other preparation.I take the bullets from the water and when dry i put them in an ice cream container(2L), spoon in 1 teaspoon of powder,put the lid on and shake for about a minute. Up and down, sideways and all over. I then pour the bullets into a piece of shade cloth and wriggle around to get rid of excess powder. I have a mini oven that has been preheated to 400 deg F. You can buy non stick foil and if you stand your bullets on this(using needle nose pliers) and then put into the preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes you will end up with fantastic bullets that glide through the sizer . If you are shooting 303 I coat 308 bullets a couple of times and get great results in my 303,s as the powder coating increases diam nicely. 7.62x39 shot in a Norinco has a sloppy bore and powder coating takes up the slack nicely. I get a 1 hole group at 100 m (except for the first bloody shot)
I powder coat 9mm 115g 124g 125g 150g. 38 (357) (I have 23 different molds) 32 cal 98g,102g,112g. 45acp 200swc, 240gswc. 303(.312,.314) 308 (.309,.310) and 7.62x39 (5 different styles)
I get my powder from the US but in NZ you can get non TGIC PC from Resto supplies.
And from Rupert
I have bought Eastwood powder from Resto ( They have several colours, including Ford Light Blue (about $25 for 225 grams), the gold standard for powder coating using the shake and bake system outlined above by Driverman. However, it is winter and I have noticed that even Ford Light Blue has been affected by the damp/cold weather, so I put the bullets in a container in the vibrator cleaner for a few minutes and the powder goes on but rather thinner than in summer (warm/dry) so I need two coats for full coverage. Maybe if you did your shake and bake inside it would be OK in the winter. Dulux sell powders of the correct type but I have not tried them yet
Hope that helps, and yes a small bit goes a bloody long way!