Looking at getting a powder dispenser but undecided on which one. Lyman, RCBS or Hornady. How much different is a Lyman 5 to a 6? Or there others I should be looking at?
Looking at getting a powder dispenser but undecided on which one. Lyman, RCBS or Hornady. How much different is a Lyman 5 to a 6? Or there others I should be looking at?
I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!
Depends what you aim to do.
Dispense and not weigh too often and no trickle up to exact charge weight, go for something high end Redding BR or Harrels they actually dont cost much more than the others and you save a lot of time not individually weighing.
For most shooting this method is great as a difference of .1 grain +/- shouldnt effect your POI if you have a good "node" on your reloading.
If you are going to trickle up to a given weight every time go for a Lee ... it will get you in the ball park.
Oh forget what I just wrote, you want to go electric ( mental note to self ... always read posts twice )![]()
I had Lymans (1200, Gen5 and Gen6), i have a RCBS Charge master and work with a Hornady where i do some reloads for a friend. They are all the same in quality, none of them will measure as a "Prometheus"(if i am correct about the name) in accuracy and honestly depending what you are reloading for, it is not important (if i am make the right assumptions).
All the lyman's models are straight forward and you get what you program for at the speed it is setup from factory, the Chargemasters you can adjust/configure the speed and other small tunes in how you want it to dispense your charge, the Hornady is all the same features but you can only configure the speed of dispense as factory setup, normal, fast and slow. With all these things said if these are your options "MY" suggestion is look around for friends and fellow reloaders who has any of these machines and ask to have a go and their opinions about it, if opinions was good we all would sell it not give it so nothing better than own experience and test yourself.
I hope i am of some help with these informations, feel free to ask if you still have doubts or just more questions…
That is awesome “Gadget” I am happy and please it works for you, I only sold as I bought the gen 6 at the time... later sold it to @Cartman...
My Gen 6 seems to work well, I run the little black restrictor in the end of the delivery tube the whole time with any type of powder, it slows it down so you don't get over runs.
Great value for money. Think it was 199 usd
@PERRISCICABA hey Mac, it is possible to change some of the parameters on the Hornady dispenser. Ive got 1, only prob is you have to reset them each time you turn power off but it only takes a few seconds so its not a biggy![]()
Hey “WSM” sorry but NO, not that I know about, the one I use is from the gun shop I hang out and help the owner, we all load with the factory variations everyone will get it but it don’t stop the accuracy at all, they just Cam back from the rakaia shot over the weekend and his Daugther was the first person to hit the 1mile target since they put it up, they both placed top 4 (3rd and 4th) overall!!!
Hit m up if you have more questions, I will answer if I can or suggest a research if I can’t! LOL
Lyman Gen 6 for me. Gen5 has a 100 load memory. Gen6 has none. Not having a memory isn't a big deal, it doesn't take much to input the charge amount.
Gen 6 is also smaller and (I assume) less expensive. Way, way better than trying to trickle your charges.
By the time I've seated and crimped the last round the 6 has poured the next load for me.
Yeah its no drama, just enter the charge weight once, ie 67.5gr and press start, then each time you put the pan back on the scale just press start again and away it goes again. You can set it to automatically start dispensing the next charge as soon as the pan has been put back on the scale - I tried that and wasnt a fan, i prefer to press the start button manually each time.
Yep I've got a Gen 6 and it runs fine, though you need to give it plenty of time to warm up during winter before use. Mines in an outside shed, so if inside the house this problem could be less. I run mine as per GWH and wouldn't look back to using my old scales & trickler.
Chargemaster Lite all the way
And now I have the hornady...m
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