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Thread: Powder Measures

  1. #1
    Member Merc's Avatar
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    Powder Measures

    A year or more ago I bought an RCBS starter kit and a few other bits and pieces, and now at last have room to get things together. I went thru' the kit and I don't have a powder measure. For various reasons (mainly being forgetful of what I have and what I need need) I sort of thought a teaspoon or similar onto the scales would do the trick or some Lee (?) measures - tho' not keen on them. I can see this will take heaps longer and is rather archaic, so I'll buy a proper Measure and probably a Trickler. The Kit has good enough stuff to start with; Reloader Special-5 Press, 5-0-5 Scale, and other bits and pieces.
    What would be your advice on the Measure? Stay with the RCBS? Hornady etc? Or are they all about the same for repeatability? Cheers, Bob.

  2. #2
    P38 is offline
    Member P38's Avatar
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    It all depends on your preference and budget.

    The lee powder throwers are great value for money and surprisingly accurate.

    I have an Ohaus powder thrower which is very accurate and was the top of the line (read expensive) in its day but can be had for quite reasonable prices second hand nowadays.

    Electronic powder measures can be very accurate and fast but can be very finicky to use and are very expensive.

    In all cases there is always some variation in the amount of powder thrown/measured.

    I always set the powder thrower to slightly under weight then trickle the rest using my balance scale for an exact measurement and then only if I'm reloading more than about 20 rounds or so.

    For amounts less than this I always use the spoon for near enough then trickle using my balance scale for the exact measure.

    Others use the thrower only and accept the slight variation in powder weights, especially if your only loading general plinking or hunting loads, however it is advsable to check weigh the thrown powder every 5 cases or so to ensure the variation is still within acceptable limits.

    In all cases I check the powder weight with my balance scales.

    Hope this helps


  3. #3
    Member Brennos's Avatar
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    I use the lee powder thrower, or the dipper, and then use the RCBS trickler to get the last few grains right. I would love a chargemaster, but no $$$ for that right now.

  4. #4
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    I have a Chargemaster and the lee, find I use the lee usually. Actually I really rate them as P38 said throw just under and trickle up.
    I have one set up and have several of the micrometer thingys set for different loads because they can bind up if you adjust them frequently.

  5. #5
    Member Brennos's Avatar
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    Problem I have is muy lee perfect measure never throws the same charge twice. So I use it les and less, the powder dipper I use mostly.

  6. #6
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    If the thrower doesn't do the job a tea spoon works as good as anything and fast. I find tricklers way to slow and fiddly myself.

  7. #7
    If your not fast your last Shootm's Avatar
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    I use a Lee thrower and have no trouble, find mine throws the same everytime. I found it was all to do with doing it the speed everytime.
    If I'm only doing a few I use a tea spoon.

    I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Teaspoon, amazing how close to the perfect measure you can get first time after a bit of practise.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ive been using the Hornady New Dimension powder thrower for 6 months and i find it excellent. Works well with extruded powders and usually get only .02 gr variation max with powder charges. Ball powders do meter in general better than stick or extruded types...depends though on your technique for throwing the dispenser handle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Bay of plenty
    I have a chargemaster and lyman and rcbs throwers
    However I ordered a cheap $19 us lee thrower from the states and for ball powders it's better than anything else. The thing to remember with any thrower is consistency from throw to throw



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