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Thread: PPU brass

  1. #1
    Gone but not forgotten
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    PPU brass

    I had read a few positive comments about PPU brass so bought a couple of boxes of factory ammo, so I could use the brass in one of my 308's. Neck sized brass fired in the other rifle won't chamber, so I will be full length sizing for the second rifle (Bergara single shot).
    I loaded a few rounds yesterday and noticed case fill with 45gr of AR2208 was quite a bit higher than in the Lapua neck sized rounds, as in full maybe even slightly compressed. Does anyone have any comments or info regarding case capacity of PPU brass versus other brands?
    I'm wondering about whether I should even fire these rounds, its a listed starting load but I expect it will generate more pressure with the smaller case capacity.

  2. #2
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    Not an issue there can be large 2-4 grain difference in capacity between brass makes. PPU have a good reputation for reloading, using a drop tube if you have one will drop the volume quite a bit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Have loaded 7mmRM and 7mm08 PPU brass. I found the PPU brass to be good quality and very uniform in terms of weight compared to Hornady or Winchester brass.

    But yes it does have lower internal capacity. I did measure the h2o equivalent difference between PPU and Hornady for the 7mmRM and found it was significantly different. Would have to look up my notes to see exact figures.

    From memory I was using 3grs less powder in the PPU to get the same velocity as the Hornady brass.

    I did the load development for a 7mm08 with PPU brass and seem to recall even a start load of 2209 was close to a compressed load and I couldn't physically fit a max load in a case. Got great accuracy and velocity in the end with the brass though.

    As always with reloading its best practice to start from scratch and rework upward if you change any variable.

    If its a starting load id think you should be okay though.... your call!

  4. #4
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Apr 2017
    Thanks guys.
    I checked the adi website and 44gr is the starting load, so I am a bit above that. I have some identical rounds in Lapua brass that do chamber so I will try them first before deciding whether to fire or pull the PPU rounds. I will most likely leave them and load some 44s and 44.5s to try first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Cigar, that's a really interesting observation!

    I've been using PPU brass for reloading for a .243 and now a 7mm-08 where I get very good accuracy 1/2 inch at 100 metres and I've found the PPU brass great.

    I'm supposed to be heading to the range again tomorrow so I'll load up some Remington brass I have on hand for a 7mm-08 and see if there's a difference with case volume, pressure, and accuracy with the same powder/projectile combination.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I have done about 200 PPU in 243 loading 85gr Sierra in last week and still to do 60 more cases. All thru SSM. Been good to reload. Used quite a few thru the 223. All s/h brass. Uniform the pockets and you are good to go.Nice feel to them loaded. No complaints with accuracy when I have used them in other mixed batches. Think they are susceptible like all used brass to bad hardening if they have not been annealed.You will spot this if they have hot loads thru them. It really stiffens that brass. You notice it on sizing especially if you dont "bounce" your die during sizing. We anneal every time.

  7. #7
    Member mawzer308's Avatar
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    Ppu brass is heavier and thicker than Lapua, end result less case capacity and higher pressure when using same amount of powder in PPU brass. Had the same issue with my 9.3x62, that aside, it's still decent brass.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Mawzer308 is bang on the money!

    Loaded up some PPU & Remington cases last night with same powder charge & projectile.

    The PPU cases were fuller than the Remington & this morning when testing the loads the PPU showed higher pressure results with a more flatter primer than the Remington.

    I got better results of 0.5 grouping with the PPU as opposed to 1.25 inch groupings with the Remington.

    As for speed... I don’t have a chronograph on hand to test but I’ll stick with PPU as accuracy is what I’m after.

  9. #9
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Apr 2017
    Thanks for the confirmation fellas. I'll do some measurements when I have some empty PPU cases. The smaller capacity isnt a problem but glad I'm aware of it so will do load development accordingly.
    Most of the once-fired PPU have been loaded with 7.5 to 8.5 grains of Trailboss so no potential pressure issues with them, though maybe 7.5gr will still be supersonic, whereas it's subsonic in the 30-30 and other 308.

  10. #10
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Apr 2017
    Sent a few downrange today.
    PPU 150gr were doing 2608 fps in the 16.5" Bergara, same ammo did 2734 fps from the 24" Brno. Not a lot of difference for a third less barrel length!
    8 grains of Trailboss had Robert's 151gr cast bullets doing 1089 fps, about the same as 7.5 grains does in the Brno. Different twist rates (1:8 twist vs 1:12) may be the difference. 8.5 grains gave a mix of sub and supersonic.
    The PPU 180gr factory ammo did 2393 fps.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Tioga County
    Well, PPU makes 7.62x51 NATO ammo as well. 7.62 NATO has slightly thicker case walls and about 1.5 grains typically less case volume than 308 Winchester. PPU sells 308 Winchester ammo as well as 7.62 NATO so what I suspect is PPU just makes one type of brass, 7.62 NATO and uses it for both 7.62 and 308 Win.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by wanneroo View Post
    Well, PPU makes 7.62x51 NATO ammo as well. 7.62 NATO has slightly thicker case walls and about 1.5 grains typically less case volume than 308 Winchester. PPU sells 308 Winchester ammo as well as 7.62 NATO so what I suspect is PPU just makes one type of brass, 7.62 NATO and uses it for both 7.62 and 308 Win.
    That maybe true but suspect their brass is generally thicker accoss the board. I base that on having loaded 7mm08 and 7mmRM PPU brass. Nothing wrong with it, just need to be aware its lower capacity compared to other brands.



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