Primer seating depth problems with new Lapua brass ?
Hey guys, finally got around to loading some new Lapua brass for my sons 6.5 Grendel. Man the primers were very tight and difficult to seat and gave the old Lee hand primer a work out. They also just feel a bit deep with the non scientific finger test and measuring them they are all around 10 thou below the case head ? Anyway I tried to pop one out to see what's going on, then got my de-capping pin stuck ! yep found out the flash hole is also smaller on Lapua brass ? Suffice to say had a bit of a shocker so didn't continue. We've only used Hornady to date and never had a problem.
Anyway is 10 thou too deep? In trying to force the buggers in could have I deformed them slightly ? I can use my Hornady die to de-cap which has a thinner de-capping pin or continue ?
Any input appreciated...cheers