The biggest issue is the Western supporters cannot keep up the demand for powder for the artillery pieces.
Another bit of useless info - a lot of the Yank munitions support goes out via Mexico.
Don't know but seeing it mentioned on the Yank forums but I guess forums being forums it's not unreasonable to doubt anything being posted on any forum this one included.
Oh, the powder issue wasn't a forum opinion. The article I read did the simple maths, approximately how many rounds fired a day, powder charge per round, versus manufacturers' powder capacity. Cannot remember the exact numbers but at the height of artillery use it worked out to tonnes of powder/day consumed.
You do need to remember, the US is a long way from dipping into its existing stocks to the point it can't easily replace it. Yet.
To ramp up new or mothballed US production lines is still going to take another 12-18 months.
European NATO nations have certainly dipped past the point of production not meeting demand, as they had less to begin with. Which is why South Korea has stepped in, as it has both has huge stocks (not as big as US though) and the existing manufacturing production lines.
Also components to make one 155mm round (shell body, explosive, GPS guidance and powder charges) come from different countries, so worldwide shipping issues (ie lack of water in Panama Canal currently) is a killer.
Welcome to Sako club.
So if you had the forsight now to see what prices are like and the low level of stock on shelves.
What would you buy and how many?
If you were say a hunter that only goes through less than 50 rounds a year would you "stock up and get 200 primers or would you "stash" a 1000?
If you were a competition shooter that goes through 2000 / 5000 a year would you buy 10,000 or 50,000?
If you had a stock of 250,000 because you plan well ahead would you
A sell some on here for what you paid to "help out" fellow forum members?
B Sell some on trademe with a nice friendly low buy now?
C Scalp the bejesus out of everyone and reap the rewards of your careful planning
D Just hold onto them and burn them up?
I've done some A and the rest will be D.
I certainly don't have 250,000, maybe 10,000.
Welcome to Sako club.
Before long we'll be making gunpowder out of our own urine like the poor sod on YouTube.
"Red bull gives you wings..."
A few folk on here were bitching when primers went to $20 per hundred, I bought 500 to make sure I had enough for my hunting needs. Now they are $50 for 100, just buy them or soon they will be $100 for 100 and so on.
When hunting think safety first
^^^ This is what stuffs it! Not to point the finger totally at you bud. But…If this ^^^ stopped until supply resumes (there not 1950s cars, primers are still a modern production). They wouldn’t be $400-500-600 (who knows now) a brick when they hit the shelves next year. Retailer will be making over $300 profit each brick.
Again I’m ok for primers. I just feel for the guys who are not. And perhaps walk away from the hobby. It’s pretty rough at there man.
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