Projectile Length to Ogive
Greetings all,
Have been out in the shed this morning starting to get some rifles and ammo together for next seasons F Class shoots. First cab of the rank was my .223 to be used in the 300 yard shoots. Due to its 1 in 12 twist the projectile will be the Hornady 60 grain VMAX. I had a few of these on hand and had previously shot them at 200 metres with good results. A couple more boxes of them have appeared on the shelf so the crush length overall was measured. 66.35mm. Back checked the old data, 66.8mm LOA for loaded cartridges. Hmmm. Putting one of each projectile showed that the ogive was definitely further forward on the new projectiles, projectile length was the same.
To be honest I have found quite large differences between shapes of Hornady projectile in the past with the more recent having a sharper ogive further forward on the projectile. This seems to have happened over may years but still something we should check with a new batch.
Regards Grandpamac.