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Thread: Projectile vs barrel length

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Projectile vs barrel length

    Similar to @rambo-6mmrem question but different,
    Is there a calculation for max projectile weight for barrel length?
    For example, 6.5 Creedmoor, 1 in 8" twist, 18" barrel

    Is it better to run 120, 130, 140, 143 ELD-X etc

    Essentially i would like the best projectile/powder without pooing up the barrel with deposits


  2. #2
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Calculate the max length that your twist rate will stableise, then look up a table of bullet lengths in your cal, match length to weight and job done.

  3. #3
    Member Timmay's Avatar
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    1:8 would do well with all those weights I imagine.
    I've got a 20" 6.5CM Howa Alpine that I think is 1:8, I shoot 1/2 or better groups with 123 Amax's and thats with between 38gr and 42gr's of 2208 (ie a 10% powder spread)
    Feather or Shoot likes this.

  4. #4
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    I have found more twist is better than less.

    Litz says more RPM = higher BC, & the velocity penalty is typically less than the usual ES.

    Obviously in extreme situations too much twist is less than desirable, ie .224 40 grain @ 4500 fps in 1-8 or .375 350gr SMKs @ 3400 fps with 1-7 exit twist
    Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc



  5. #5
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    Bay of Plenty
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    I have found more twist is better than less.

    Litz says more RPM = higher BC, & the velocity penalty is typically less than the usual ES.

    Obviously in extreme situations too much twist is less than desirable, ie .224 40 grain @ 4500 fps in 1-8 or .375 350gr SMKs @ 3400 fps with 1-7 exit twist
    I thought Litz said that too fast spin and you get large spin drift, but that the effect of spin drift disappears at longer distances i.e.gradually corrects itself over distance.

    Sent from my GT-I8190T using Tapatalk

  6. #6
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    No, what has a calculation is twist rate for projectile weight. Even shooting a heavy projectile with the right twist rate the barrel length will only determinate how fast you will need to "push the projectile" to achieve the velocity that will keep your projectile efficient out to long or extreme ranges.
    Apparently, depending on how far you need to shoot the faster projectiles will go they will be supersonic for longer and efficient to the desired distance, cutting or having a short barrel length will only say you will need a "hotter" load to make your rig efficient.

    My 0.05$c

    Last edited by PERRISCICABA; 17-09-2016 at 09:31 AM.

  7. #7
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    Heavier calibers, such .308 upwards will have rifle especifications different for the purpose they are build for, a varmint 308 is likely to have a slower twist rate to push lighter projectiles faster at shot and medium range(bush or small fields(up to 300mt max?)), other 308 version designated to further distances the shooter will desire a faster twist so they can shoot heavier projectiles with less athmosferic influence in its path.
    A heavier caliber such the .375 mentioned by KiwiGreg is categorised by me as a special caliber and as you can imagine it is designed to hit things at a very long distance. These calibers are designed with barrel length and twist rate ad equated to the purpose of the projectiles being used to reach those distances. Many people wanting a rifle to an especific purpose (long-extreme range) normally build the rig to suit their needs, a .308 or 300WM with 1:10 or 1:9 twist, a Creedmoor with 1:7(not really need, just example) a .243 normally 1:10 with a 1:8 or 1:7", a 7mm normally 1:9.5" to a 1:8.5" and etc.
    Do a quick google about magnums and ultra magnums caliber, apparently the ultra magnums have a bit faster twist than the normal magnums.

    Again, I hope I am of some help.

  8. #8
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    Agree faster twist generally better but don't go crazy on the fast twist direction. In terms of projectiles it also depends very much on your intended use - gongs vs game & what size game and range. The terminal performance of different pills and weights can be very different. If you're after a target bullet then this is of no consequence just focus on max BC & max velocity and find pill that you boom stick likes. If game and especially large game is the target then this will narrow down your choice quite considerably for 6.5 calibre. My own choice for 6.5 is 140gn partition for up close and 140 gn AMAX for +300 yrds.

  9. #9
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    May 2015
    Thanks for the replies. I probably should have had powder choice in my original post as well!

    I suppose one of my concerns is that trying 2208 with 100gr Nosler BT, 120 AMAX and 129HSP the barrel had a light grey coating deposited at the crown.
    While using 2209 and 140gr Interlocks and 143 ELD-X the deposit on the crown was black and a heavy scale that could be chipped off with my finger nail but took some considerable effort. This occurred with various powder charges!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fireflite View Post
    Thanks for the replies. I probably should have had powder choice in my original post as well!

    I suppose one of my concerns is that trying 2208 with 100gr Nosler BT, 120 AMAX and 129HSP the barrel had a light grey coating deposited at the crown.
    While using 2209 and 140gr Interlocks and 143 ELD-X the deposit on the crown was black and a heavy scale that could be chipped off with my finger nail but took some considerable effort. This occurred with various powder charges!
    That is another conversation that I will "TRY" to help later.

  11. #11
    Member Dead is better's Avatar
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    .260 creedmore is a short action. My thought process would be this
    -28" barrel max.
    -1/8 twist because you need that to stabilise berger vld.
    -if you want more mv then go the ackley improved route
    -get a no turn neck. that is the best decision ive ever made.
    What overall weight can you cope with? My rifle weighs a shitload but i dont care. Its pushing 140s as fast as possible without destroying brass but the barrel is 29" long and thick to stop it flexing. With a 260 you can match my 6.5x55 mv with a 26" shorter barrel and AI chamber. Getting a no turn neck should make it cleaner, barrel length needs to match the burn rate of your chosen powder. I'd use 2209 in a 260 for the medium burn rate and mid length barrel. Id use ELD-M for target and berger vld hunters for hunting. Those ELD-X dont beat the m's unless you can can jam enough powder in the case. That fancy BC is useless to me as my max load cant push them fast enough (2795fts)
    PERRISCICABA likes this.

  12. #12
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Considering only velocity, the best powder burn rate is governed by the projectile and the chamber not barrel length. The "faster powder for shorter barrels" is mostly myth.
    There may be other advantages in reduced muzzel pressure etc with a quicker burn rate though.
    veitnamcam likes this.
    Just a slopy retrobate

  13. #13
    Member Dead is better's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneeze View Post
    Considering only velocity, the best powder burn rate is governed by the projectile and the chamber not barrel length. The "faster powder for shorter barrels" is mostly myth.
    There may be other advantages in reduced muzzel pressure etc with a quicker burn rate though.
    I disagree. It absolutely 100% is NO myth. The end user explosion when you pull the trigger is not the burn rate. That rate is a constant (it is a quantified number in quickload). Have a play with various combinations using that program and you'll see its no joke. If i try a huge charge of slow burning magnum powder down a short barrel with a light projectile, quickload will show you the pressure curve, and tell you that the projectile left the muzzle before the propellant had finished burning in your specified barrel length.
    My old powder that matched the std barrel (2209 for a 24" barrel) would not be the best for my new 29" barrel for instance. I'm using 2213sc as it produces a safer pressure curve which can actually go higher than 2209. Choosing the projectile is the last thing I do. (But that's just me)
    PERRISCICABA likes this.

  14. #14
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dead is better View Post
    I disagree. It absolutely 100% is NO myth. The end user explosion when you pull the trigger is not the burn rate. That rate is a constant (it is a quantified number in quickload). Have a play with various combinations using that program and you'll see its no joke. If i try a huge charge of slow burning magnum powder down a short barrel with a light projectile, quickload will show you the pressure curve, and tell you that the projectile left the muzzle before the propellant had finished burning in your specified barrel length.
    My old powder that matched the std barrel (2209 for a 24" barrel) would not be the best for my new 29" barrel for instance. I'm using 2213sc as it produces a safer pressure curve which can actually go higher than 2209. Choosing the projectile is the last thing I do. (But that's just me)
    Iv got an ok understanding of burn rate and Iv had QL for quite a few years. My reference to reduced muzzle pressure with a faster burn rate was an example of why a faster burn rate might be desirable over best velocity. Probably not that relevant .

    If I understand it correctly? you are saying that 2209 will give better velocity in your 24" than barrel than 2213 because it has a higher percentage of propellant burnt?
    Just a slopy retrobate

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2015
    So considering all the feedback, is 2209 the best option or would another power be better? Or do I just run a better cleaning regime?



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