According to Applied ballistics the 53gr vmax (3300fps) will go transonic at about 600m. The 64gr Berger varmint (3100fps) is slightly better at 650m approx, this means that accuracy at the 1000m/yd line will probably be rather poor.
Most of the typical 50-60gr projectiles won't even make 600 so careful selection will be important to get any performance here.
If as I suspect you just want to get out and have some fun shooting then I'd first look for some of the above projectiles and then try and get a good load made for them. In reality though you'll probably just have to take whatever match type projectiles you can get and go and enjoy shooting. However if you want to be competitive you're going to need a new barrel (or rifle) with a twist suitable for the 75gr plus high bc projectiles.