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  • 1 Post By ebf

Thread: Q do ppl think the lee classic 4 way press with a double reloader (so up to .308w)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Q do ppl think the lee classic 4 way press with a double reloader (so up to .308w)

    is accurate / repeatable enough for target use....

    Classic Turret Press Kit - Lee Precision

    Double Disk Kit - Lee Precision

    Rifle Charging Die - Lee Precision


    So I'd need a 45grain load time after time...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    individually weigh each throw and add to or take away.
    nothing fancy needed, but a good set of scales is handy.

  3. #3
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    I wouldn't use an auto measure like that if I was doing target accuracy. Although that could depend on the type of powder as well.
    As bill999 says a scale and measure each load will mean each powder weight really is the same.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Yeah for 100 rounds a month manual is best but 1000+ rounds?....ouch...ie I was thinking of taking on some of the club re-loading work (for visitors), so not quite match grade...

  5. #5
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Steven, I used a Lee Pro 1000 to load high volumes of straight-wall cases. 9mm, 40s&W and M1 carbine.

    If you want to get into serious volumes, without having to fight with the press all the time, look at Dillon.

    For shouldered rifle cases, and especially target quality loads, I would stay clear of of a turret or indexing Lee, and rather batch things out on a single-stage. The Lee single-stage is fine IMHO. The amount of time you are going to fight with the indexing mechanism, you can just as well batch it on a single stage - and you are going to be sizing, trimming etc before in a batch in any case...

    like Barefoot said, I would not be happy loading target loads using the disk system
    steven likes this.
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