I bought an older second hand Remington Model Seven .260. It came with two types of reloads 'Good' & 'Goat Shooting' and once fired cases.
These reloads that the previous owner said were 'Goat Shooting' loads were clearly rough as. I could easily see that the seating depths were up to shit by the varying amounts of cannelure ring visible above the case mouth and they measured 0.020" different on the ogive. They measured uniform on the shoulder bump. I figured good enough to foul the barrel or shoot things close. Until i noticed some of the fired cases had split necks.
I measured the case length of them, 2.035" to 2.055". Max .260 case length is 2.035"No wonder some necks were split and the primers 1/8th backed out.
So i thought no worries really. I'll just pull the bullets and primers then anneal, resize and trim them all.
First failure of the Inertia Hammer - split the collet lips off. 15-25 hard hits to pull a bullet!
No worries ill use a shell holder instead in the hammer
Total failure
Bloody round hit the underside of the roof before coming back down on the concrete...busted and dinged up the bullet and case.
Blood is drawn and i'm really pissed off now! Clipped fingers on the wooden 'shield' i had between me and the hammer cause i was afraid of discharge!
I cant throw them in the bin as they're live. Cant pull the bullets as they are stuck Fcuken tight!
Hadn't been trimmed to length! So cant even just shoot them off as they're dangerous!
Massive neck tension as they don't look crimped at all. The guy had chamfered and deburred the case mouth.
Also the powder charges in the seven i managed to pull before failure were 42.2gr-42.9gr. Listed as 40gr
Still got 14 to pull somehow!
and thats not counting the 'Good' 65 rounds...
Btw the supposed 'Good' reloads all had the primers not seated enough and i had to reseat the whole lot. They were 'bobbling' around when set on a flat surface! I could feel and see they weren't seated enough!