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Thread: Recommend a 300BLK factory subsonic round

  1. #1
    MB is online now
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    Recommend a 300BLK factory subsonic round

    As per title. My only criteria is that it is actually subsonic when put through a 16.5" barrel. Cheers.

    EDIT: Based on personal experience rather than what the manufacturer/retailer states on their website.
    Last edited by MB; 15-03-2022 at 04:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A ex deer culler mate used Remington 220gr OTM and he had head shoots everything until I started reloading Lehigh Defence subsonic ammo for deer and 190gr Sub-X for pests.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I use the sub x stuff for everything from dog food peacocks to humanely dispatching my homekills

    my barrel is 12.5 inches tho
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  4. #4
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    roberts 151s are worth the effort to reduce cost

    the subx are $2.50 per pop so there is a saving to be had

    im yet to have anything need a second shot but most get one anyway

    discrete ballistics machined expander selious rounds would be awesome over here but they dont send them outside the usa
    tikka and MB like this.

  5. #5
    MB is online now
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    Sorry, missed all the replies. Seems like slim pickings. Guess I'll grab whatever is on the shelf and try it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Its fiddy a box at least for the sub x so if you just want a couple to try a couple im also in Northland and have them on hand

    Its so easy and good performing I just use it anyway

  7. #7
    MB is online now
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill999 View Post
    Its fiddy a box at least for the sub x so if you just want a couple to try a couple im also in Northland and have them on hand

    Its so easy and good performing I just use it anyway

    Thanks Bill, great offer, but I've got Sub-X rounds and they nearly all go supersonic through my 16.5 inch barrel

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    The problem with factory Blackout loads is they are optimised for the AR15 platform the gas system bleeds off gas to operate the action
    bolt actions use all the gas for velocity unless you reload you are stuck with it, A friend of mine gave up on the Sub loads and just uses standard
    high velocity loads his kil rate is still the same if not better gets faster kills than the subsonic loads last trip got 3 deer in under an hour
    Moa Hunter, MB and m101a1 like this.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooternz View Post
    The problem with factory Blackout loads is they are optimised for the AR15 platform the gas system bleeds off gas to operate the action
    bolt actions use all the gas for velocity unless you reload you are stuck with it, A friend of mine gave up on the Sub loads and just uses standard
    high velocity loads his kil rate is still the same if not better gets faster kills than the subsonic loads last trip got 3 deer in under an hour
    What supers was he using?



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