Gidday Team, it's been a while.
As an aside, has anyone come across any large rifle magnum primers? See a few different brands of LR's occasionally coming in but haven't seen any magnums for bloody ages.
Anyway, some bloody good posts on here, as one bloke mentioned if you have started thinking about it you are already buggered - the likeness to brewing your own beer is also accurate as with the parralells between rabbit holes. Both will quickly grow into very big monsters (as I look at my kegorator gathering dust in the corner...)
I load for 3 of my rifles .223, .308 and .300wm I think the interest came from peering over the edge of my Grandfather's loading bench as a young fulla, watching with fascination while he loaded for pistols, the bits going in one end and a loaded round falling out the other. That and I being an anally retentive OCD perfectionist love rabbit holes and over-thinking.
Anyway, it looked like you were making the jump so no doubt you are well down the hole by now. If you haven't already - and you don't mind a bit of reading, Nathan Foster published a guide on hand loading for rifles as part of a series. It's an excellent book and I still reference it. He's a top bloke as well, lord knows he had the patience of a saint emailing replies to my questions, I can't recommend he and his books enough. His website runs a great forum as well and is a huge wealth of knowledge.
Good luck!