The values won't be right. Just look around for used gear.Lee gear is fine. But the scales leave a lot to be desired.
You dont need heaps of stuff to start reloading. Some can be made or purchased second hand
* O (best) or a solid C Frame 7/8 press, some come with the priming tool.
* Priming tool. Although its possible to use a punch
* Shell holders to suit the cartridge
* Dies- MUST have for each calibre. Lee RGB are the cheapest to get you started. ~$50
* Loading block(s) Buy or easy to make
* Sizing lube Almost any oil will do. e.g. diff, engine, coco nut or Lanox
* Powder funnel-Must have one of these.
* In the absence of scales powder scoops will do the job. But you will need to check them if you DIY
* Components, Powder, Primers Projectiles, Cases
* Access to ADI Powder manual-for loading data.
* Manual on how to do it or someone to show you.
OPTIONAL or Can wait a while
Scales - A high priority. Beam or electronic. IMO beam are best. Some whinge about the lee scales? But at a pinch they do the job.
Trimmer- You need to buy one of these with each cartridge in the lee kit. But a generic one is preferred. It will do almost any cartridge, most companies sell them.
Powder measure. (If you load lots) Lee Perfect powder measure is abt $55. These are great
Primer pocket cleaner, Easy to make, drill or screw driver
De-burrer, A sharp pocket knife and fine file will do this if you have nothing else. Plumbers pipe de-burrer
Trickler, or very tiny scoop. Or just use a 308 shell and dribble it in. Easy to make too
Vernier caliper to check case length & OAL. I got away with a plastic dial caliper for years. Dial type seem to be best.
Tumbler- But I use the salt/vinegar/detergent solution in an ultra sonic jewelry cleaner.
1. De-Prime
2. Clean (optional) I use an ultrasonic cleaner. Water, vinegar, detergent. Rinse and air dry
3. Visual inspection of fired cases looking for signs of pressures, case separation or neck cracking
4. Anneal every few reloads or as required.
5. Lube & lightly lube inside of neck
6. FLRS or neck size
7. Wash/clean and air dry. Or you can just wipe off the lube.
8. Trim all cases & de-bur. Every load or as required.
9. Prime.
10 Charge. I then check them all using a torch to ensure none have been missed.
11. Seat projectile and check length. (OAL)