Any experience with these two directly? Rel 16 looks to be the same thing as Rel 17 but temp stable? Does it give the same speeds and performance etc. Why would you use one over the other?
Any experience with these two directly? Rel 16 looks to be the same thing as Rel 17 but temp stable? Does it give the same speeds and performance etc. Why would you use one over the other?
Funny you should ask! Was just wondering the same thing. Looking at the load data it appears to generate very similar MV (in 7mm08 anyway)
Will be interested to hear peoples experiences.
A few years back used RL17 in my 7mm08 with 150gn LRABs for 2750 fps. Recently tried some RL16 in same rifle with 150 ELDx - sweet spot also came out at 2750 fps.
Not quite a head to head comparison as the pills are different, but pretty much the same performance.
16 is meant to be more temp stable.
Any more experience out there? Im considering trying some 150 ELDX or Berger 140 VLDs in the 284. Hopefully the Bergers but Im not sure if I will be able to seat them out to the lands with my long throat so might have to be the 150 ELDX. I have Rel 17 on hand but might have to try out this magical 16 powder. Maybe.
I just tried some 140 gr Berger’s in my new 20 inch barrel .284 with RE17 but couldn’t get them shooting.
Switched to 140 gr BT’s with RE17 and its thumbnail groups.
Even tried the Berger’s with AR2209 but still no luck
You might have better luck but I tried all sorts of seating depths going through nearly 50 projectiles
@Seventenths how come you've gone to 20'' barrel, wanting a bit more velocity? seem to recall you were running a 16"?
Have been toying with a .284 but my "20 barrel 7mm08 is doing 2800 with 150 ELD-X, not much gains i'd think.
Would be interested to know how much re17 you are using in the 708.
I use it in my 708 Kimber (18") under 140 NABs but have no idea how fast they are going.
Have settled on 47gr (not a starting load) as most accurate.
Interesting that although this rifle has always been accurate it is more so since the barrel chop.
Less whip in the skinny barrel I guess.
I couldnt get the vlds shooting in my 284 either. They were miles off the rifling. The throat in mine was long and I had alot more success in the 150-160 pill range. Cant remember if you used the same gunsmith or not
Mine was done by Gunworks. The 162 ELDM is as far out in the neck as I would want it in order to be 10thou from the lands. I’m guessing that’s going to be my problem with the 140 VLD. Might have to be the 150 ELDX. Probably just start with Rel 17 since I already have it
You should get another ~ 150 fps in a 284. Run 150ELDx with RL17 in my 20in 284 for 2930
Can't offer a comparison between them but I got 150fps more from RL17 than the IMR powder I was using. 200gr ELD x in my wsm. I haven't used it in extreme conditions yet but going from using it in the heat 25c to cool overcast conditions I haven't noticed any difference. I intend to chase some chamois over the winter months if we are allowed. Be interesting to see any change in performance.